Chapter 7: The Darkness of an Alleyway

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Satou stopped running. She was now in a dark alleyway. She heard light footsteps behind her and slowly turned around. It was the person she had suspected all along. Kitaumekawa. "So you noticed, didn't you, Matsuzaka-san? You knew it all along. But then, why would you choose to run into a dark alleyway like this?" he asked in a low voice, far from his usual friendly one. "I wanted you to stop chasing me. I thought you'd show yourself if I ran over here." she told him.

"You know everything now. This is the person I really am." the moonlight shone down on Kitaumekawa's face, highlighting his sinister features. Satou's fingers slowly reached up to her face and she grazed her lips slightly. "What's happening? He feels so bitter..' she thought.

"I can tell. You're a bright, clever girl, Matsuzaka-san. You're different from those other idiotic little girls. That's why I'm so infatuated with you." Kitaumekawa continued. Satou's fingers were covering her lips as she struggled to maintain her composure. 'This man is just so bitter!' she thought again, her eyes devoid of any light. "Why is that? Aren't you a teacher? I'm pretty sure it's against the law for a teacher to be stalking his student like this." Satou asked quietly. "And that's exactly right. This is very wrong of me...but this is what's most exciting about it! It's like I'm balancing on a tightrope, I'm just about to cross that line. It's amazing!" Kitaumekawa grinned, making Satou's dead eyes widen. This teacher made her taste something bitter.

"Ever since the school entrance ceremony, I've always been watching you from afar. You're the type of lady that I really love..and this whole time I've had my eyes on you." Kitaumekawa repeated the phrase 'this whole time' a few times, his own breathing becoming ragged. Satou could see herself in Kitaumekawa's glassy purple eyes. It was a reflection of his own lust. "I do wonder how heavenly your silky hair smells like. I want to caress that soft skin of yours and make sure everyone knows that it belongs to me. The mere thought of you opening up your body to me, an embarrassed look on your blushing face..I just can't resist you!" Kitaumekawa walked closer and closer to Satou. Satou was still silently covering her mouth, staring at him.

"I could give you endless amounts of pleasure, Matsuzaka-san, so much that you won't be able to think of any man other than me." Kitaumekawa grinned again. Satou uncovered her mouth. "You're just the worst type of adult." she said. Kitaumekawa reached out and grabbed her hand. "Now, Matsuzaka-san, why don't you take me to where your little roomate is? Yes, I know about that, too. Adults know all sorts of things when it comes to the one they love." he said. His grinning face suddenly dropped down to a crazed look. "And knowing that every day you're going home to that roomate makes me angry." he said in a gruff, quiet kind of voice.

'Bitter, it's so bitter..bitter..too bitter..!' the same feeling she felt when she was dealing with that manager was eating away at her heart again. It was shrouding her in absolute darkness. "If anyone happens to find out, you'd get into some trouble, am I wrong?" she asked, still in a calm voice. "Yes, if anyone found out. Thankfully, I'm good at controlling all my urges." Kitaumekawa looked down at her with a predatorial gaze, holding her arm up. Satou was disturbed.

'It's so bitter..I feel like I'll throw up.' Kitaumekawa pulled Satou along with him. Her face was still, her eyes still wide and emotionless. As Kitaumekawa told her all the things he'd do to that roomate to ensure she belonged to him, there was only one thing on her mind. This bitter feeling that this terrible adult was making her feel. It was driving Satou insane. 'He's so bitter, so bitter, so bitter, so bitter. Too bitter, it's way too bitter. TOO BITTER.' Satou snapped.

The sound of a car alarm suddenly flooded the secluded area. A window above Satou and Kitaumekawa displayed a light being turned on. "Hm, so that's how it's going to be." the deranged teacher let go of Satou's hand and quickly ran off. Satou sank to the floor.

'It's bitter..I hate this.' she thought, struggling to connect her thoughts.

Y/N opened the door of a room. They heard the front door being opened. "Satou-chan! Welcome home! You're late today, aren't- wah, Satou-chan!?" Satou suddenly toppled on top of Y/N, making them both fall to the floor. Y/N looked up at Satou, taking in the girl's pained expression and the sad gleam in her red eyes. "Y/N-chan..I need to feel sweetness..Y/N-chan.." Satou pleaded. Y/N stared at her for a while before showing her a gentle smile.  Slowly, they drew their lips forward and kissed the corner of Satou's lips. "Kisses are sweet, aren't they? Do you feel any better now, Satou-chan?" they whispered tenderly in Satou's ear. Satou blushed madly.

It was so weird. Just a second ago, there was nothing but a bitter feeling eating away in her heart. Now, all she could feel was the sweetness and the love from her beloved. It was overflowing inside of her, and it was suddenly all she could think about. Satou wrapped her arms around Y/N's body and placed her head on top of theirs. Everything was bright and sparkling around her. All Satou could see was the person she had fallen in love with.

Soon, Satou and Y/N were cuddling in their bed. Satou was simply too happy to think about anyone else. 'That's right. I have Y/N-chan. Their sweet pieces of love filled up my jar. I don't need to worry about anything else. All I need to do is to protect this sweet, sparkling life that I have with my beloved Y/N-chan!' Satou opened her eyes, revealing the predatory gaze swirling and making her eyes darken. They gleamed dangerously under the moonlight. Satou's sickening gaze fell onto Y/N's. Her desire to protect her happy life with them was only growing more.

'I have no need for anyone who gets in the way of our love.'

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