Chapter 13: Please Don't Be With Someone Else

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Without saying a word, Satou pushed the door open gently. The whole apartment was dark, there wasn't a single sign of life in it. It was completely empty. Satou's sullen eyes focused on every inch of the apartment. She couldn't miss a single detail of her beloved castle. "Y/N-chan..?" she uttered. Her eyes trailed the entire room. Satou aimlessly walked inside.

She walked up to a room. She opened the door and looked inside. "Y/N-chan?" she called out in a hopeful voice, praying and begging that they were in the apartment. No answer. Satou ran into the kitchen. She called Y/N's name again, and she was met with the same silence. She stumbled to the bathroom. Satou threw open the door and shouted Y/N's name. After coming to the realization that her beloved Y/N was not in the apartment, the girl gritted her teeth fiercely. 'They're not here.' she thought darkly, marching towards the bedroom of the apatrment.

There was a closet in the room, and Satou pulled it open without hesitation. There was a duffle bag sitting in the closet. The moonlight shone down on it, as if inviting her towards it. Satou grabbed it and threw it over her shoulders. She rushed out of her apartment. The whole time, she didn't say a word. There was only one thought in her mind. And that was to find Y/N.

Satou hurried to the elevator. She pressed the button and waited impatiently for it to arrive. Everything seemed so slow just when she wanted it to end as quick as possible. She stepped into the elevator and clicked the button. Her rage and misery caused her to continue pressing the button. She was panicking, repeating the word 'no' over and over again in her head. A vision entered her mind. It made her feel sick. A vision of Y/N walking away with that woman. They were holding her hand. Satou saw Y/N look over their shoulder, tears brimming in their eyes.

She was suddenly alerted by three tears plopping onto the ground. Satou was so panicked about Y/N going away with another person that she had begun to cry. Streams of tears were flowing down her cheeks, and Satou tried to control her whimpers and sniffles. She wanted to scream and sob, she wanted to taste something sweet, she wanted nothing more than to hold Y/N in her arms and make sure they were safe. She couldn't allow someone to take them away.

The elevator doors opened and Satou immediately stepped out. She began to run down the dark streets. 'Y/N-chan...please don't be with someone else!' Satou thought to herself sorrowfully.

The woman was gathering up the missing person flyers that had been scattered around due to what happened earlier. She dusted them off, making sure nothing was blocking the face on the flyer. Her eyes fell onto the familiar face. Memories began flooding back. Memories of that day.

"Y/N-chan...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I have to do this." the middle-aged woman sobbed quietly as she held her child in her arms. The child was around 10-years-old. They looked up at their mother, tears forming in their eyes upon seeing the woman so upset. The woman opened the door of their little house and led her child outside. She quickly made the child hide themselves among the bushes in their front lawn. The woman wiped her tears and smiled at them gently.

"Once I close the front door of the house, you need to run away from this place. This will be the biggest, most fun game of hide-and-seek ever. You run away and hide somewhere far and safe, and I'll come find you. I promise that I'll find you one day." the woman explained in a soft voice, trying to comfort the small child peeking through the leaves of the bushes. The child grinned.

Their eyes glimmered with adoration as they looked up at their mother. It made the woman's heart twist because of what she was doing. "Yes, mommy! Come and find me, okay?" the child giggled. The woman reached her hand out and caressed her child's cheek, tears beginning to form at the edges of her eyes. "I will, my dear. I'll always be looking for you." she sighed sadly.

The woman walked back to the house. She gave the child one last wistful smile. She closed the door, and the voice of her tormentor suddenly sounded in her ears. "Miyuki...what the hell do you think you're doing over there?" came the drunken statement. The woman, which was named Miyuki, froze upon hearing it. She refused to turn back and look at that...that horrendous monster of a man. A man which she had to shamefully call her husband. She squeaked in fear when she felt the man's hand grip her wrist and pull her back. Pull her back into her hell.

The woman tried to catch her breath. The memory of that wretched day would always haunt her, no matter how much she tried to push it to the back of her mind. 'I don't know if they're alive, or if they're hiding somewhere safe. All that I need to do is...' the woman lifted her head, her eyes wide and stricken with fear. "Y/N-chan...I need to find my darling Y/N-chan!"

She stood up and continued running through the darkness of night. She didn't care where she was going, she just wanted to find her child at all costs. "Y/N-chan, where are you!?" she screamed in a pitiful voice, her voice breaking from the panic and guilt she had to endure.

Meanwhile, Y/N wasn't having a good time. The sight of seeing so many people walking to and fro made them anxious and afraid. They hid behind a wall, peeking out to look at the things that were happening. "There's too many people. I don't know what they could do to me. It's scaring me.." Y/N whimpered. They looked at the alley way and attempted to run through it. But their foot came into contact with something sharp and it pricked their leg. They were tired and scared, and now their foot was hurt. Y/N collapsed onto the ground, all hope leaving them.

"Satou-chan, it's so scary out here. I feel so lonely. No, please...I don't want you to leave me here alone." Y/N cried quietly, trembling slightly from the cold of the night. Their head was spinning. It felt like something was twisting it. Y/N didn't know what to do, they just sat there and cried.

They looked up, but their tears slightly blurred their vision. They saw that same woman who told them she would come with them outside. Y/N stared up at her. "Who are you..?" they said softly. The woman's face was blurry and vague, Y/N couldn't recognize her. "Over here." the woman stated robotically. Y/N's eyes widened curiously as they continued staring at the woman.

The young person stood up and immediately took off. Something had alerted their body to just move. They didn't know where they were going, but their body told them to just keep running. It felt like an endless loop. Like they weren't getting anywhere. 'My foot hurts a lot. It's so cold, and it hurts so much.' they thought to themself. 'I feel so alone, but..' Y/N stopped running suddenly. 'Wait...what is that?' they were confused. Tears were still present in Y/N's big, sorrowful eyes.

"Hey! Who are you?" they called out to the woman who was in front of them. The scenery changed. The both of them were in front of a small, humble house. There were a few bushes in the front lawn of the house. It was so...nostalgic. 'I've been here before. This place looks so familiar..' Y/N recalled. They had definitely been around this house before. The woman began walking away from them. Y/N gasped and called out to the woman, begging her to wait.

'Why..? For some reason, it feels like she was the one who had always held my hand. It fills me with a sense of nostalgia..' they thought as their eyes scanned the woman's straight H/C hair.

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