Chapter 11: Don't Leave

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"Our sacred vows."

Satou stared at the woman on the sofa, having to listen to her recite the vows she always recited with her beloved. She couldn't forgive her. Those vows...those priceless words...they were hers. It was the promise between her and her beloved. This woman couldn't recite what wasn't hers.

"In sickness and in health..through happiness and through sadness, for richer or for poorer, and until death do us apart.." Satou dragged the glinting crowbar across the floor, her own rage blinding her. All she could see was the bloody mess she was about to make out of this woman. "I promise to love you forever.." Satou stared down at the tired woman. Bloodlust, disgust, rage. They were all present in her dark eyes at the moment. They bore through the woman's soul.

The clocked ticked slowly, and Y/N counted every second that went by. It was already 9 pm. Satou should be home by now. They hung their head low, anxiety creeping into their heart. 'Satou-chan hasn't come home yet, and it's already so late. I wonder if she's okay.' they thought to themself. A new thought popped into their head. It wasn't a very nice thought. 'What if she never comes home? Then I'll be left here..all alone..' they thought. Y/N's mind began to tune everything out, and suddenly their whole world was shrouded in darkness. The thought they had just had, about Satou never coming home again, made Y/N start to panic. They began breathing heavily as they struggled to make sense of reality. They moved on their own.

It was like they were possessed. Possessed by fear. Y/N walked all the way to the door while still struggling to breathe properly. They faced the door, trying hard not to tremble. 'Outside..when you open this door, it leads to the outside, right? That's where Satou-chan is.' Y/N swallowed. They had no trouble being independent and doing things on their own, they lacked fear. But something about going outside to find something filled Y/N with a certain dread. 'Satou-chan told me it wouldn't be good if I went outside. I'm not strong enough for the outside world..' they remembered Satou's words. They were weak, and frail, and outside wouldn't be good for someone like them. Still, Y/N reached their shaky hand out to touch the still doorknob.

They were panicking. They couldn't bring themself to touch the doorknob. It was filling them up with so much fear, it overwhelmed their senses. Y/N closed their eyes, trying to muster up the courage to go outside. "Don't worry so much." a feminine voice suddenly spoke behind them.

The same voice they heard that day she had that headache. "You don't have to be afraid. I will go outside with you." Y/N felt those same gentle hands slowly guide their own hand to the lock that was above the doorknob. Slowly, Y/N twisted the doorknob and they heard it click. The door was open. The moment it was open, they could run into the outside world and find Satou out there.

Y/N pushed open the door, their will to find Satou overpowering their fear. They ran and they ran, not caring where to. The scared person just wanted to find the one they loved. They found themself at the bottom of a flight of stairs, bending over and trying to catch their breath. "Satou-chan.." they breathed helplessly, tears rushing to their eyes from the panic they were enduring.

'Satou-chan, where are you!? Where did you go? Why aren't you coming back to me?' they thought to themself, continuing to run down the street. It was cold, and it was dark. Y/N hated the feeling of being outside during this time of night. Why was Satou out during this hour? 'No..please, no! Satou-chan, I don't want you to leave me alone! I don't want that!' they frantically thought again, stumbling over their own feet. Y/N kept on running, but their tears were making their vision blurry. They felt so weak, so helpless, and in a desperate tone:

"Satou-chan!" they shouted.

Satou's dull red eyes widened as she realized the position she was in. She was about to kill the woman that was laying on the sofa. It was hovering just above the woman's chest, inches away from being dug deep into her heart. Satou had realized what she was doing, and stopped.

Quick-paced footsteps could be heard, and Mitsuboshi entered the room again. "Matsuzaka-san, I'm sorry that I had to leave you alone like that. But thankfully, I could get ahold of the manager, she should be here soon." the blonde boy said. Satou stayed where she was for a moment. She plastered on a small smile and turned around to face her co-worker. "Oh, it's perfectly fine." she said, trying her best to hide the crowbar she had hurriedly chucked and hidden under the sofa.

"...Mo...ther...Mother...don't...leave't leave me here! I don't want to be alone!"

The woman's eyes snapped open when she heard those familiar words. Her green eyes were wide with fear. She turned to the side and a blonde-haired boy came into her vision. A pink-haired girl was standing just behind him, her face blank and unreadable. "Ah, you're back! Oh, that's a relief." Mitsuboshi sighed. The woman sat up after he said those relieved words.

"Miss, are you alright? Don't move around yet, your wounds are still healing. But it's a relief you didn't break any bones while that was happening to you. The manager is on her way, so stay put and don't worry about a thing." Mitsuboshi explained in a concerned voice. The woman sighed. "You needn't worry about me. I'll take my leave now." she said as she stood up. She walked to the door, ignoring Mitsuboshi's protests and offers to take her to a hospital that was nearby. But as she put her hand on the door handle, she felt a presence beside her. A threatening presence.

"Do you live nearby?" Satou asked in a sweet voice. The woman's eyes were wide. Who was this girl? And why did she make her feel so...uncomfortable? Mitsuboshi beamed at the woman. "Then that's perfect! I'll walk you home! It's dangerous to walk alone considering what you had to endure!" there was a bright light emitting from Mitsuboshi, he was shining like a star.

So much so the woman winced at his brightness. "You don't have to do that." Mitsuboshi looked confused but also a bit concerned. "I'm sorry I gave you kids trouble. And I'm sorry I dirtied your sofa." she said quietly and quickly exited the room. Mitsuboshi and Satou followed her out.

They both watched the woman hurry off into an alleyway. Mitsuboshi was worried, but he didn't want to seem like he was too pushy. He turned his usual charming smile to Satou, but he was surprised to see that the pink-haired girl was gone. "..huh..?" he looked all around him.

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