Chapter 24: An Angel Sent From Heaven

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Shoko stared up at Mitsuboshi. His usually sweet blue eyes were completely drained, and his lips were set in a straight line. It was like Mitsuboshi himself wasn't there anymore, and only his body existed. The blonde-haired boy flicked the light switch on and the room filled with light.

"Hida-san, you came to visit me? That's sweet of you. I'm sorry that I didn't call you before." he said in a kind voice. Shoko didn't know what to say. There were so many things wrong with what she was seeing and the state of his room, but she couldn't make it out into words. "It's fine." was all she could say. "I'm so sorry, it's embarrassing that you have to see my room in such a messy state. Could you look out of the window or stare at the wall for a moment? I'll clean up, then we can speak." he said as he proceeded to pick up the scattered flyers. "Yeah, okay." Shoko said. She got up to walk to the window, but she felt something crumple beneath her foot. One of the many flyers that had been carelessly thrown around the floor. The picture of that innocent-looking person became scrunched up under Shoko's weight. Mitsuboshi screamed. He dove down onto the floor and scooped the flyer out, frantically trying to straighten it out. Tears began to well up in his eyes as he quietly apologized to the flyer. Shoko fell onto his bed in astonishment.

"Don't put your feet on my angel and crumple them up..." he whimpered, hugging the flyer close to him as if it were a child. Shoko paled, a look of disbelief on her face.  She was confused and bewildered. 'What the hell is this guy going on about!?' she thought to herself in shock.

She gathered up her thoughts and sat up straight. "Who..Who is that?" she asked. Mitsuboshi looked down at the flyer, allowing a few more tears to form. "A wonderous angel." he mumbled quietly. The sight of Y/N's big, pure eyes, frail figure, and ruffled hair had gave Mitsuboshi the impression that they were divine and innocent. He felt so happy just looking at all of their perfect, soft features, clearly printed out onto the paper. "They're the angel that comforted me when I couldn't comfort myself. On that night, God sent me a punishment because I was selfish and tried to keep this angel for myself. What can a person as impure and filthy as myself do to ever get a glimpse of them again? How can I be purified? I thought about everything and anything, but my final conclusion always came to them. My pure angel." talking about all those bad times Misuboshi had spent without his precious Y/N. The day he was taken advantage of by a horrendous older woman, that day where he was punished for trying to take Y/N for himself. He clutched the flyer close to his chest. "When I'm surrounded by their adorable features like this, I feel like I'm being purified for all my filth." a bright aura surrounded him. Mitsuboshi opened his tear-filled blue eyes. It felt like a light was shining down upon him, reaching out and trying to take him by the hand. Trying to guide him into a paradise of happiness. A hand reached out and gently touched his blonde hair. The hand of the purest of all beings. Y/N. "Taiyou-kun, you're okay. There, there." they smiled warmly. Mitsuboshi felt warm and melted at their touch.

While Mitsuboshi was in his own happy little heaven, where only he and his angel existed, Shoko watched with a disturbed look on her face. Her mental health was not damaged or corrupted like his was, so she couldn't understand his infatuation. She stood up from the bed in a hurry. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Mitsuboshi-kun! I think I'm going to head home! If you're going to quit, then just give the manager a call! That's all you have to do!" Shoko gave him a small wave before rushing to the door, wanting to get out of there as fast as she could. Mitsuboshi paid no mind. He knew that nobody could understand how in love he was with Y/N, and how pure they made him feel. There was only one person, though. One person who seemed to be chasing after Y/N, too. "Has Matsuzaka-san been showing up to work lately?" Shoko stopped at his dark, serious voice.

She turned. Mitsuboshi stood up, holding the flyer in his hands gently, admiring Y/N's picture. "Does she have any family? Is she living with her mother and father?" he asked. These sudden questions unsettled Shoko, and she told him that Satou supposedly was living alone with her aunt. "Oh. Really? She really lives alone with her aunt?" Mitsuboshi gritted his teeth as he said that. Shoko was confused to no end. She stared as Mitsuboshi turned to face her face-to-face.

"I saw her. I saw her take the person you see in this flyer away with her." the boy walked over to Shoko. His arm slammed against the door she was leaned up against. He held up the flyer. "Maybe she has kidnapped them." he stated. Shoko's eyes trailed towards the flyer. She couldn't comprehend the fact that Satou, her closest and most beloved friend, would kidnap someone. Mitsuboshi's eyes were no longer kind. They gleamed with the intent to kill. "If she did, then we can't forgive her for doing so. Matsuzaka-san is keeping a divine, heavenly angel to herself. She's doing something that I really cannot forgive, no matter how much I try." he growled darkly.

Shoko couldn't think for a moment. She was too overwhelmed by how absurd the situation was. But she found herself and pushed Mitsuboshi away, a disgusted look on her face. "What- What do you think you're saying!? Satou would never do something so horrible! She wouldn't even think to do something like that! What reason would she even have to do that!?" she shouted. That's right, why was she even listening to him? Satou was her dear friend. Shoko was ashamed that she didn't have in her earlier to defend her. "It's obvious. She wants to keep my angel all to herself!" Mitsuboshi lost himself. She grabbed hold of Shoko's shoulders and shoved her against the door. The confidence died away and was replaced by fear. "Hida-san, you need to help me! Help me get my angel back! Please, I'm begging you! Matsuzaka-san might be hurting them! My angel might be crying and screaming! I need to save them! I'll do it with my own hands! I'll kill anyone and everyone! I'm sure I'd make them proud if I did something as heroic as-"

"I SAID STOP IT!" Shoko shoved Mitsuboshi to the floor with all her might. Tears had formed in her eyes due to how shaken up she was. "Don't ever touch me! You dumb idiot!" she yelled. She ran out of the room, ignoring everyone else that was in the house. Shoko ran down a street, just wanting to go home and dive into her bed. She cursed Mitsuboshi in her mind. Her running finally slowed as she felt her energy being used up.  She leaned against a lamppost, trying to catch her breath. That's when she caught sight of a flyer on the lamppost. That person. It was like their face was mocking her tired expression. "What...What's going on?" Shoko whimpered.

The tired girl dropped to her knees. What kind of situation was she in? Why was everyone around her acting strange? Why was her best friend being accused of kidnapping someone? "What's happening? What's going on? Satou..!" Shoko began to cry in the dark helplessly.

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