Chapter 18: No More Mistakes

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Satou hummed as she cooked breakfast for two. The events of the previous nights hadn't left her mind, but Y/N's comfort and safety was all that really mattered to her. A door opened and Y/N walked through. They smiled softly when they saw Satou. "Good morning, Satou-chan."

"Ah, Y/N-chan! Good morning to you, too. For breakfast today, we're having fried eggs. It's your favourite after all." Satou turned. Her heart fluttered at the sight of her beloved. "I put tofu and aburaage in the miso soup, just how you like it. What do you think of today's breakfast?" Satou draped a cloth over her arm. Y/N went over to hug her, smiling widely. "I'm so happy! Your fried eggs are the most soft and delicious in the world." they said joyfully. Satou was immediately hit by a warm, sweet sensation going through her entire body. Her red eyes glittered sweetly.

'Thank the stars. Y/N-chan is acting like the same as usual.' she thought to herself. She hurriedly sent Y/N to go get themself ready and enjoy the meal. Once both of them were dressed, they both sat down and said their thanks for the meal. Y/N took a bite of the fried eggs. "Ah, they're as delicious as always.." they sighed contentedly. Satou gazed at their satisfied smile. 'It always feels so sweet whenever I see Y/N-chan smile. But also, it feels a bit...' Satou smiled, too.

"Y/N-chan, about last night..." Y/N looked at Satou. "Did you talk to any other person that wasn't me?" Satou's gaze didn't leave Y/N's for a second. She couldn't handle the fact that Y/N had gone and spread their sweetness with anyone else. More importantly, expose their location. Y/N parted their lips. In the end, they gave Satou their usual calm smile. "No, I did not."

"..Oh, I see." Satou blinked. Y/N took another bite of the fried eggs and their eyes sparkled from the taste. "I can't enough of the softness.." they chuckled. Satou continued staring at them. Half of her was admiring Y/N, but the other half was trying to see if they were lying. 'Something just feels a little bit strange. I don't know what it is, though...' Satou thought to herself quietly.

Satou slipped her feet into her shoes. She was getting ready to leave for school. She frowned to herself in thought. 'Maybe Y/N-chan had scary things happen to them when they went outside. I don't think I should pry in case I set them off.' memories of her handling those men came back to her. How she had so brutally, so viciously ended their lives. 'I'm glad I took care of those two men. But there's no way no one saw what I did.' Y/N walked up to her. They had seen how solemn Satou's eyes looked and got a bit worried. "Satou-chan, are you going to come home late today as well?" they asked with a little bit of unease. Satou turned her head to them.

'Yesterday was just a stroke of luck on my part.' she smiled and gently caressed Y/N's cheek. Her eyes softened when she gazed into Y/N's concerned face. She thought they looked adorable. "Y/N-chan, I'm sorry. As soon as I'm done, I'll come running home. After I do, we can spend our evening talking and laughing. Let's take a bath together, eat dinner together, and be by each other's side to keep each other company." Satou laid out her perfect evening plan. Coming home and having Y/N run into her arms, spending all her time and energy with them. Y/N smiled at the plan. They tilted their head. "I'll be looking forward to it, Satou-chan." they said happily.

"Well then, I'll be off. Goodbye, Y/N-chan!" Satou waved, a bright smile plastered on her face. "Be careful and work hard. Bye bye!" was the last thing she heard before closing the door.

Satou crouched down and twisted her key into an extra lock that had been installed at the bottom of the door. It was a precaution. To make sure her one and only love, her wonderous source of sweetness did not exit their castle ever again. She had vowed to herself that no matter what, she would give up her life if it meant Y/N would be alright. Satou smiled at the thought. "I'm so happy you're home, my happy sugar life." she mumbled, dreaming of Y/N's smile.

"Satou~!" the voices of her classmates could be heard. Satou looked up and saw two of her close friends running up to her. "Morning~! Hey, hey, so what's new between you and Kitaumekawa-sensei these days?" one of the girls asked in a suggestive voice. Satou blinked twice. "Kitaumekawa-sensei? What about him?" she asked in genuine confusion. The girl pointed at her. "You guys talk all alone sometimes!" she poked fun at Satou, her friend giggling in the background. Oh, right. Kitaumekawa was still admired in these girl's gullible eyes. "Haven't I told you before? Kitaumekawa-sensei is simply concerned for me because I grew up without parents. Nothing is going on between us." Satou calmly explained. Her friend's eyes lit up as she clasped her hands together in awe. "That Kitaumekawa! Isn't he such a sweetheart? I really should try and go for him!" her friend giggled excitedly. Satou smiled at her softly.

"I don't think you should do that." she chuckled. Her friend pouted at Satou's goody-two-shoes attitude. "There you go again, advising me like you're my mom. Well, if that's what you're going to say, then...Take this!" her friend lunged at her and attacked the girl with tickles. Satou immediately broke into a fit of laughter. "Ah! Stop it!" she laughed. Another girl stared as the two continued their childish display. "Oh, yeah, Satou. You live with your aunt, don't you?"

Satou perked up at the mention of her aunt. "Yes, I do." she replied. The friend that was tickling her stopped and looked at Satou in thought. "I've never seen your aunt before now that I think about it. What kind of person is she? Is she pretty?" her friend asked. Satou thought.

"Well...she never says anything about whatever I do." she mumbled. Her friend smiled. "Ah, that sounds awesome!" Satou smiled and nodded in agreement. Her sharp eyes caught a familiar teacher walking along the pathway below. Kitaumekawa happened to look up at that exact moment. However, one look at her sadistic eyes made him hurry away from the spot.

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