Chapter 6: Kitaumekawa-sensei?

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"Satou-chan, bye bye!" Satou heard Y/N's voice behind her. She smiled to herself. She always tried to leave the house quietly so that her beloved could sleep well, but they always ended up waking up and saying goodbye to her. Of course, Satou didn't mind it. "Bye, Y/N-chan. I'll see you in the evening like always." Satou waved and left the apartment, ready to start a new day.

As she walked, she pondered about something that happened last night.

Satou held one of the bloody bags in her hands. She was about to drop it into the river, ready to discard it and never see it again. 'Y/N-chan was the one who came and saved my loveless heart. I need to protect the happy life I have with Y/N-chan. I want to know more about the love they make me feel. And that's why..' Satou was letting the bag slowly slip from her hands. But her eyes suddenly widened and she sharply turned around. She felt a presence nearby.

She couldn't let anyone see her. Or else everything would be ruined. Satou held the bag in her hand and ran off as quickly as possible. Damn it. If she had a stalker, they wouldn't leave her be. She wouldn't be able to discard all of the bitter things in her home. This was so troubling.

Satou sat in the chair of the classroom, listening to a few girls bicker. "And then you know what? It turns out he had a wife and kids! The jerk told me he was single!" one girl said, an annoyed expression on her face. Her friend chuckled. "Are you serious? No way!" she said. The first girl pouted. "It really makes me want to kill that guy!" Satou took a chocolate stick out from the packet and lifted it up to her lips. "I don't think you should kill him." she said lightly before biting the tip of the chocolate stick. Her two friends stared at her in silence. The first girl sighed. "Satou, I was joking." her other friend added in, "Yeah, who would kill for love? It's stupid."

With a simple "I see.", Satou took another chocolate stick and ate it. She thought that killing someone for love wasn't that bad, if just showed how devoted you are to your lover. "You know, I wish I could experience an exciting romance! Like having your teacher as your lover, doesn't that sound scandalous?" one of the girls said, getting lost in her fantasies. Her friend smiled. "You mean someone like Kitaumekawa-sensei? Our homeroom teacher?" she suggested. The other girl perked up and began to blush. She cupped her face with her hands and smiled widely. "That sounds so cool! He's single and he's so hot!" she gushed, her whole face bright pink. Her friend agreed and the both of them were giggling uncontrollably. Satou didn't see what they saw. She didn't think attractiveness or anything of the sort mattered when you were looking for a lover.

"Matsuzaka-san, do you have a moment?" the three girls stopped talking and looked towards the open classroom door. Standing there was a tall man with brown hair and twinkling purple eyes. "Kitaumekawa.." "Speak of the devil, huh?" Satou's two friends whispered quietly.

Kitaumekawa had pulled Satou out into the corridor to speak to her. "Matsuzaka-san, I called your home so I could talk about your studies, but nobody picked up the phone. Is everything alright in your house?" he asked Satou in a gentle voice. Satou pondered at what to say. "Maybe I was already asleep?" she averted her eyes. Her teacher informed her that he called at about 7 pm, so there was no way she was sleeping. Satou made eye contact with Kitaumekawa again.

"I was at work at that time. And my aunt goes out at night, so perhaps she didn't answer because she wasn't at home." Satou explained in a calm voice. Kitaumekawa's smile faltered and he looked at Satou with a sad expression. Like he was pitying her. "I did hear that your parents passed when you were younger, and your aunt is now raising you." after he had said that, the both of them heard the school bell ring. Satou politely excused herself to get to her class, but she felt Kitaumekawa's hand grab onto hers before she could walk away from him.

"Matsuzaka-san, if you're in trouble, don't be afraid to ask for help. You' do I put this..less stable than any other girl here. I'm quite concerned about you, you know?" his other hand gripped onto Satou's before he continued. "I'm an adult, so I can definitely help you out with anything." Satou stared at him. Her eyes fell onto Kitaumekawa's hands holding onto hers.

"..I've quit fooling around with other boys. I'm alright. I've really fallen in love this time." Satou pulled her hand away from her teacher's slowly. She didn't need the feeling of his skin. "But there is one thing I'd like to tell you. I feel like there's someone following me and stalking me." Satou admitted. She raised her head, a soft smile on her pretty face. "But I'm probably just imagining things. I appreciate your concern, Kitaumekawa-sensei." she thanked politely.

Satou turned to leave, hurrying to her class. She left Kitaumekawa to stare after her, a pondering look on his face. He turned and walked away to the faculty room a short while after.

"What do you mean you're being stalked? Are you completely positive that you aren't imagining it?" a voice shouted. Shoko Hida, Satou's best friend. She had purple hair that ended at her neck, and light purple eyes. There was a beauty mark under her left eye. She gripped onto Satou's shoulders, a frown on her face. "Satou, you're a cutie, so you need to be really careful, you know? Don't you remember that creepy customer who wouldn't leave you alone? The one who asked you to meow on his lap! You didn't say anything, so I had to step in! What if it's that weirdo?" Shoko warned, glaring at the seat that creepy customer had sat in last time. Satou simply blinked at Shoko. "I'm more worried about you, Shoko-chan." she said blankly.

"You're pretty harsh, don't you think?" she added. Shoko pouted. "That's because you don't say anything to people like that! I always have to step in and protect you!" she fussed. Satou's expression suddenly turned into a saddened one. She held Shoko's hand in hers. "You need to be careful, too. If anything ever happened to you, I'd...I can't even bear to imagine it." she said in a worried tone. Shoko blushed slightly when she heard those words. "Satou..ah, I love you!" she captured Satou in a hug, making all the customers around them gasp and stare at the two.

Their co-worker clapped and asked everyone to get back to work. "We're having that new guy start here soon. It'll be like having a bodyguard. He'll scare off creeps like that." she said. Shoko hugged Satou again. "I'm still worried, be careful!" she brought her mouth close to Satou's ear and whispered something. "Get that boyfriend of yours to protect you." she teasingly said.

Satou smiled. The image of your frail figure standing in front of her protectively made her want to giggle. Satou thought about Shoko's words as she walked back to her apartment.

'Not my boyfriend. But that person is the one I've fallen in love with. It's satisfying to think about. They fill in the hole in my heart like a puzzle piece, the sweet pieces of their love complete my entire existence and gives my life meaning. Y/N-chan..' Satou thought. She took out her phone. A reflection of a dark silouhette caused the light to completely vanish from her eyes.

Satou ran off into an alleyway. She could not risk the stalker knowing where she lived. They might try and hurt her, or even worse, they might hurt Y/N! Satou could not allow that.

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