Chapter 16: To Your Rescue

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The wind stopped. The eerie silence alerted Y/N, who was still crouched down on the ground. All of the noises and scary thoughts suddenly came to a pause. Y/N's mind was...blank. They noticed a presence behind them and immediately perked up. Their head turned back. Their eyes locked onto the woman behind them. 'It's the woman. The woman I've seen tonight. Is she...Is she supposed to be A loved one who's always there for me, who always holds my hand and guides me. Hey...please tell me, are you going to help me?' Y/N's eyes were completely drained and dark. Sullen, just as Satou's were a long time ago. They stared intently at the woman. Slowly, her face began changing. It wasn't blurry nor vague. She had a clear face.

But it wasn't the face Y/N was hoping to see. Cold, wide eyes stared down at their trembling figure. Her face was neutral and normal, yet terrifying. Y/N thought she was supposed to be their family. Someone Y/N loved. Someone Y/N trusted. A person like that had to be kind, smiling, and warm, right? But all Y/N felt from this woman was coldness and hostility. Never a sign of love.

A person Y/N loved. A person like Satou. Satou was always smiling, always gentle, always kind, and had a warm aura. She made Y/N feel safe and secure. Y/N considered her a loved one. This woman strayed far from Y/N's heart. She wasn't a loved one. Y/N didn't consider her a loved one.

"Y/N-chan, didn't I tell you?" the woman began in an emotionless voice. She was an empty shell of a human, speaking with no feeling. "I told you to hide and not trust anyone. I told you to wait until your dear mother found you. But you went away and trusted someone. You didn't wait for your mother to find you." the woman's hands cupped Y/N's cheeks. They were the same gentle hands that Y/N had always felt, but now, they weren't gentle anymore. They were rough, and Y/N couldn't feel an ounce of affection nor gentleness in her touch. They gasped when they felt the woman's hands. Their eyes widened. Y/N parted their lips. Their words were barely audible.

"M..Mother..?" they mumbled in a breathless voice. This woman...was their mother. A mother was supposed to be a kind, gentle figure that helps you grow into a good person. They were supposed to feel warm and safe. You could always run into their arms without a care in the world. But Y/N felt so unsafe in their mother's arms. It felt like she was going to hurt them.

"Hey, Y/N-chan? I won't ever...EVER forgive you for what you've done." the woman's voice dropped into a menacing tone. She brought her face closer to Y/N's. Her eyes bore into Y/N painfully, scrutinizing every detail and making them feel like the worst human in the world. Tears appeared in Y/N's wide eyes as they stared at the woman. They couldn't utter a word. Their heart was pounding in their chest, and it was getting hard to breathe. Y/N grabbed their head and bent forward. The throbbing pain was too much for them. They opened their mouth.

A loud, cracking scream erupted into the once peaceful night sky. It was like a sharp knife of sorrow and pain slashed at a calm atmosphere. Y/N's vision blurred and they passed out.

Somewhere not too far from the park, the same woman who had caused Y/N so much pain turned around in a panic. Her eyes filled with tears. The cold breeze carried Y/N's scream through the night. She couldn't just stand there and do nothing! The woman clutched the missing person flyers to her chest, squeezing her eyes shut. "I'm coming for you, Y/N-chan! Just wait, I'll soon be with you!" the woman yelled, running towards the direction of the scream.

"What in the world was that for?" the two men that were beating Mitsuboshi up turned when they heard Y/N scream. They looked down at the motionless figure on the ground in irritation. "Isn't this that kid from the missing person's flyer?" one of the men commented suddenly. They both stared at Y/N. They realized it indeed was the face on the missing person flyer. That flyer was pasted up everywhere, it was hard to forget their face. "So, they're alive. That's a bit of a shocker." the man said nonchalantly. "That practically makes us detectives for finding them. You think we'd get a reward if we hand them over to the cops?" his friend asked. The other man shrugged and said he doubted that. An idea suddenly came to him and he smirked.

"That lady's looking for this kid, isn't she? Let's call her over and have a little fun with her. I'm still ticked." the man walked over to where Y/N was laying. He grabbed a handful of their H/C hair and held their head up. "Come on, kiddo, time to wake up.." the man clapped his other hand over Y/N's face, trying to get them to wake up. This made Y/N stir, but not completely awaken.

The two men clicked their tongues. One of the men was still holding Y/N up by their hair, gripping it tightly in case they woke up and tried to run away. "Hey there, boys!" a playful and feminine voice suddenly spoke. The two men turned and saw a girl in a hoodie. Strands of bubblegum pink hair were exposed in the parts where the hoodie didn't cover. Her head was bowed and her bangs shadowed her face. The only thing visible was her small smile.

"I'd really like a couple of playmates. If you're not too busy, then maybe you could." the girl continued. The man who was holding Y/N up smiled and nodded. But his friend was suspicious of the girl and told him to be cautious.  "She's not dangerous, she's a good catch. I can just smell it from here, how good she's going to be for me.." the man dismissed his friend's worry. His friend frowned, his unease growing. "You'll never change, will you, you damn womanizer?" the friend scoffed. The man let go of Y/N's hair and let them fall to the ground like a ragdoll.

It was unfortunate the man couldn't see Satou's deadly, red eyes, filled with absolute rage at the fact Y/N was being treated like an inanimate object. He could've saved himself from the girl.

He walked up to the still smiling girl, his arm rested on the tree behind her. "Well, darling. Let me guess why you're out ran away from home? It's because your parents were driving you nuts, weren't they? I totally know the feeling." Satou struggled to maintain herself. A bitter taste was shrouding her taste buds, and she wanted nothing more than to scoop Y/N in her arms and sweep them back home to the place they called a castle. "They always say shit like 'It's for your own good' or 'I do it because I love you'. Adults think that they're all wise and high when they reach that age. It ticks me off." the man in front of her smiled deviously. He was disgusting. People offered him love and offered him help, but he refused all of it just because he wanted to live by his own ideals. That kind of person...that kind of person is the most bitter in the world.

"You can come over to my crib. No one's gonna order you around or make you do stuff there." the man's hand slipped to Satou's back and gripped her waist. "And if you treat me well the whole time you're there, I'll pay you. Money is what you want, right?" Satou silently screamed her denial in her heart. Money was worthless compared to the love Y/N offered her. Y/N was the only one in Satou's eyes. And right now, this disgusting man was blocking her loving vision.

"Is there anything more important to you other than money?" Satou smiled up at him, showing him a fake serene expression. She wrapped her arms around him. To Satou, the man felt wrong, like he had a distorted shape. The feeling of anybody else in her arms were wrong. Y/N was the only person that had a perfect figure, and fitted perfectly in her arms. The man blinked.

He suddenly felt a jolt of electricity course through his body. The man stumbled back and fell onto the ground, twitching in pain. Satou held her hands up, relieved that the man was not in her arms anymore. She held a taser in one hand. "I definitely have something that's more important than anything else in the world. But I don't think someone like you would get it." Satou squinted her eyes. She looked down at the man with a cold, disgusted expression.

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