Chapter 26: How Much Do I Know About You?

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Shoko mindlessly stared at the missing person's flyer. 'Actually, now that I think about it, how much do I actually know about Satou? She always seems so sweet and gentle, and she has such a wonderful personality. But I don't really...know anything about her, do I?' she delved deep into her thoughts. She didn't notice a figure slowly approaching her, a concerned look on his face. "Sho-chan?" Shoko was suddenly snapped out of her deep thoughts and turned when she heard her boyfriend's voice. And there he was, inching closer to her every second. "Asahi-kun? What on earth are you doing out so late? It's dangerous!" she said. Asahi deadpanned when he heard that. His girlfriend sometimes thought of him as a child rather than her lover. "I should be asking you that. What are you doing out here? Did you lie to your parents again?" he asked. Shoko didn't really want to explain so she just said she was heading home from a friend's house.

Asahi turned to the missing person's flyer, a frown on his face. He had been seeing this flyer around a lot, and he had been keeping an eye out. Shoko turned back to the flyer as well, matching her boyfriend's worried expression. "E-Excuse me..?" both teenagers turned at the voice. They saw an elderly woman there. She looked so tired and drained that Shoko was startled for a second. She awkwardly shifted, then pointed to the flyer. "Have..Have you seen this person around?' she asked in a hopeful voice. Asahi hadn't, and just looked on with a look of pity. But Shoko remembered what Mitsuboshi had said. He said he...had actually seen Satou running away with that person in her arms. He told her there was a possibility that she had kidnapped them. "I-I'm sorry, we haven't.." she mumbled. The woman nodded and apologized for disturbing them. Shoko felt guilty. She called out to her, her guilt finally forcing her to give in and confess. But the woman collapsed right in front of the two. Shoko stood frozen in fear, but Asahi immediately rushed forward and checked if the woman was still breathing steadily.

Mitsuboshi had a blanket over his head as he stared at his computer. He had basically let himself go after torturing himself with the fact that Satou was mistreating the one he called an angel. He heard the doorbell ring downstairs, he heard his mother running towards the door. He paid no attention. But her next words were what made him perk up. "Oh, you've come again? Thank you for being such a darling and always thinking of my son." Mitsuboshi turned. He opened the door and walked out cautiously, dragging his blanket with him. "But I'm sorry, he said that he doesn't want to see anyone today, either." his mother said in an apologetic tone. The person...Satou...said that she understood. She had a message from work, a blue file. "Please ask him to call us if he feels that he is fit enough and come back to work." Satou said in her usual sweet voice. Mitsuboshi crouched down to get a closer look at her face. What kind of expression was she making? That kind voice she was using was fake, wasn't it? But she just continued smiling when his mother thanked him. "It's no problem. I actually have a few things that I'd like to tell Taiyou-kun, too." her dark red eyes darted over to spot where Mitsuboshi was crouching.

Fortunately, he had crawled away from that spot before she could see him. With a simple 'see you soon', Satou left the house. Mitsuboshi was left feeling uneasy. After his new revelation at the fact Satou was the one behind his angel's disappearance, he had always been weary of her. He saw his mother walking up the stairs and rose from under the blankets. His mother was startled by the odd position. "Goodness! You startled me, dear. Your nice co-worker brought-" before she could finish, Mitsuboshi grabbed the blue file, thanked her and dashed back to his room. His mother watched him with a concerned face as his room door slammed shut.

Mitsuboshi flipped through the file. All the pages were...empty? No, there had to be something. Satou wouldn't leave him an empty book. So he continued flipping through all the pages. His eyes widened when they finally caught something. A simple sentence scribbled down on the clean, blank sheet in neat handwriting. 'Perhaps I could let you see Y/N-chan?' was what the sentence read. Mitsuboshi's heart immediately jumped the moment he read his angel's name.

Unknown to him, his mother, or anyone else inside the house, Satou was watching outside. Her cold eyes remained fixated on Mitsuboshi's bedroom window. She recalled the conversation she had with her beloved, the reason why she had left that vague message for Mitsuboshi. It was also how she got to know about his connection with Y/N. And she wanted to sever it completely.

"Satou-chan, the truth is I actually did talk to someone else when I was at the park. It was a tall boy. He said his name was Taiyou-kun." Y/N had said when they were in Satou's arms.

It sickened Satou to the core. Mitsuboshi told her he had fallen in love with someone. She knew that it could be her beloved Y/N. She turned away from the house and continued walking. Another person just had to threaten her happy life with her beloved. Well, whatever. Satou wouldn't let Mitsuboshi ruin her love. She wouldn't let him be in love with them either. Back at school, Kitaumekawa stared at his computer screen. Satou's picture was once against displayed as he read through her student report continuously. 'It's been three months. I haven't contacted that aunt of Satou's, not even once. But now, I'm sure of the reason why.' he thought to himself.

'When she handed me those three bags, I was disposing of...' numerous images of Satou plunging sharp objects into her aunt's chest or abdomen filled the lustful man's mind. 'I was disposing of her aunt.' KItaumekawa gripped his hair and leaned forward. He went into a peal of psychotic laughter. Adrenaline rushed through his blood when he made that theory. 'I don't care to find a reason for the killing of her aunt. I just need to get proof, that's all I need to do! I want to know what kind of face that little girl's gonna make when I rub the proof all up in it. Just thinking about all the possible expressions...' more laughter left his lips as he continued his fantasies.

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