Chapter 25: Don't Lie, Even If It's For Love

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Satou hated the way Y/N was crying. It broke her heart more than anything. Usually she would always know how to get a smile back on their face, but this time she didn't know what to say. The only thing Satou could do was watch Y/N cling onto her and cry. It was a truly horrid sight. 'I've done everything that I could to protect my love with Y/N-chan. I thought that what I was doing was okay because it was all for the sake of my one and only love.' Satou saw flashes of all of the things she did. All of the crimes she committed, all of the people she hurt. She did it all because she didn't want to lose what she had with Y/N. She thought nothing was a crime as long as you were selfless and gave up everything for your beloved. But that just wasn't the case.

'It isn't true. I had it wrong this whole time.' Satou thought to herself. The only thing that mattered to her was Y/N, so she thought that as long as they were happy, she could do anything in the world for them. But her crimes have been punished. The one person that she loved and cared for more than anything in the universe was huddled up into a crying ball. "Satou-chan." Satou perked up at the unmistakable voice of her aunt. She was crouching in front of her, cupping her face and gazing at her with a dainty stare. "Is this your one and only love? Does it really cost you this much pain? Make you want to throw up? Make you cry until your tears dry up?" Satou's aunt taunted in an airy voice. Satou's eyes darkened in their terrifying manner as she looked at her smiling aunt. "Is this really the love that you've been searching for and craving for your entire life?" an image shrouded Satou's mind. Her hand and Y/N's hand. Intertwined. The image was doused in the crimson red blood that Satou had shed, and their hands escaped each other's grip. Y/N letting go of her hand and going to darkness was something Satou couldn't bear. She drew in a sharp breath. No, that couldn't happen. It couldn't!

"Y/N-chan, I'm sorry. You're not the only one who's done something wrong. I've committed a crime as well." Satou stated, trying her best to steady her shaking voice. Y/N looked up at her. They couldn't believe that the perfect Satou could ever do anything wrong. She always seemed to know everything and did everything right. "Satou-chan, you've...done something wrong?" they stammered. Inwardly, Satou didn't want to confess. She wanted Y/N to continue looking at her through rose-coloured glasses and continue loving the person she portrayed herself as. But she knew that she couldn't lie to them forever. No, her lover deserved the truth. "I'm going to confess everything to you. The crime I committed. I...I..." her mouth was wide open, but the words weren't spilling out. It was like her fear had stolen her voice. She gaped.

'It's like I've completely lost my voice. Is it really okay to confess something like this? If Y/N-chan finds out about my crime, then will they start hating me?' horrible, horrible thoughts began spinning in her mind. Satou looked down in the middle of her daze. To her dismay and horror, Y/N was not curled up in her arms. They were gone. Vanished. If Y/N finds out about the bad things she's done, then will this be the outcome? Y/N not being with her anymore? They start hating her and escape from her arms. Their hands will escape each other's grip.

'I might lose them! My true love!' Satou's hands flew to her face and covered it. Everything around her shattered as she realized it. The lies she had told created an entirely different person. Y/N was in love with her lies. And the truth, the person she really was, it could break what she had so carefully built. The love between her and Y/N might break and fall. She might lose her beloved. Satou was too absorbed in her own sorrowful world and cruel imagination.

"Satou-chan, Satou-chan...Satou-chan!" she suddenly heard her name being called. Satou pulled her hands away from her face and looked down. Y/N was there, still huddled up and cuddling close to her. Their tear-filled eyes were turned up, looking at her. So innocently. 'I'm...I'm so scared. I can't bring myself to look into Y/N-chan's eyes.' Satou thought to herself. She kept herself perfectly silent so that Y/N couldn't know what was happening in her mind. They were still with her. They didn't know anything. They still loved her, and that was truly all that mattered right? Y/N didn't have to know anything! 'Right, if I lie...if I just put on my act so that no one knows anything...' she gulped. But she caught herself. She was about to tell her lover a lie again. At this point, the persona that Y/N knew to be Satou was just an elaborate tapestry of lies. There was so much untruth, so much pretense that Y/N wasn't looking at Satou anymore. 'No. I have to tell them the truth. Or else this punishment that's filling me up with bitterness will never end!' she forced herself to lock eyes with Y/N. She needed to do this. She needed to tear apart her tapestry and show Y/N who she really was. Satou gazed down at them silently.

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