Chapter 15: I Can't Remember

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"Taiyou-kun, are you feeling okay?" Y/N questioned. They continued staring at the boy. This situation seemed rather...familiar. They felt as if they had something like this before. 'What's going on? I did this...for that woman, didn't I?' a vision of their hand stroking someone's head came into their sight. But it wasn't Mitsuboshi. Instead, it was the woman they couldn't recognize. She had tears streaming down her face. The only sign of movement was Y/N's hand, gently caressing the woman's bowed head, a comforting gesture. Y/N blinked several times.

'That woman..? I can't remember. I can't remember who that woman is. This is something important, I shouldn't have forgotten. I've talked about this with Satou-chan, I know I have, but I just can't remember what I said. I shouldn't have forgotten.' Y/N opened their eyes. Their unactive hand laid on their lap. They squeezed their hand into a fist. 'The fact that I've forgotten hurts. I'm just so sad.' Y/N retracted their hand and reached up to their face. The sorrow, the pain. Y/N's hand couldn't even reach their face fast enough to stop the tears from flowing down their cheeks. Their eyes were wide and glossy, shocked from the fear they felt. They sniffled.

'For some reason, I'm heartbroken. I don't know why..'

Y/N's eyes squeezed shut, allowing more tears to dribble down their face. "I just...I just don't understand anything!" came their pitiful sob. Y/N held their arm over their face, trying to wipe the endless tracks of tears. Mitsuboshi's head shot up when he heard them crying. "H-Huh!? What's wrong!?" he said, a crooked smile still on his flushed face. He stared as Y/N wept.

"I told Satou-chan. Satou-chan would know!" they hiccupped. "You're talking about your family, aren't you?" Y/N looked up at the question Mitsuboshi asked. The reflection of them in his clear blue eyes stared back at them. "My...My family?" Y/N questioned. "Have you lost your way? They're all searching for you, you know? Your mother and your father. The people you love, that always hold your hand and guide you." Mitsuboshi rambled on, slowly smiling at Y/N.

"Oh, I don't know!" Y/N whined, causing Mitsuboshi to apologize. Y/N rubbed their face ferociously, trying to clean their face from all the tears. Mitsuboshi lightened up. "Then how about I bring your loved ones to you? So that you can feel okay!" he smiled brightly. "Satou-chan..?" the people Y/N loved. That was Satou. Mitsuboshi could bring Satou back to them? "Yes, yes! I'll bring you Satou-chan!" Mitsuboshi eagerly agreed, wanting nothing more than to see that sweet smile Y/N had showed him earlier. Y/N's eyes glimmered with joy and relief.

"I get it! Taiyou-kun, you already know my name and who I am, so that means you'd definitely know who Satou-chan is, too! Then, I'll be counting on you!" Y/N smiled excitedly.

Mitsuboshi looked down at the smiling person. He held his hand out. "How about you come over to my house and stay there until I find your loved one?" he asked quietly. Y/N looked at his outstretched hand. They hesitated for a moment. They didn't know if they could trust anyone else other than Satou. But Mitsuboshi knew Satou, and wanted to bring her back to them! So that means Mitsuboshi is a good guy, right? "I think that would be fine." Y/N sighed quietly.

'Yes...that's right. Until I find the person you love..' Mitsuboshi's train of thought was completely overthrown by a sense of pleasure as soon as Y/N's hand grabbed onto his. A string of saliva dripped down to his chin as his gaze darted upwards. The feeling of Y/N's soft, delicate skin so ready to hold onto his tainted one was overwhelmingly euphoric. 'I want this gentle figure to keep me purified and clean!' he thought to himself, arching his back and throwing his head backwards. Y/N was shocked at this and tilted their head, wondering if he was alright.

"Um..Taiyou-kun? Are you okay?" they murmured nervously. Mitsuboshi panted but straightened his back. "Yes, yes...I'm okay." he responded shakily. He was so excitable, yet so at peace just to be in Y/N's angelic presence. 'And in order to do that, I should be the one feeling their warmth.' His face contorted into a smile, and his eyes drowned into the shadows. 'There are lots of things we can do together. I can't miss this rare opportunity. Or else, I might never see this wonderful angel ever again...' Mitsuboshi's eyes emitted no light. They were glazed over, blinding him with his own lust. He stood up, still tightly clutching Y/N's hand. "Well, then, we can go right now. Come along." he turned to them with a friendly smile, earning a quiet nod.

It felt like he was in heaven. Everything around him shone as bright as stars, and the happiness in his heart was overflowing. A look of true joy grinned down at Y/N's face. 'Oh, please God, forgive me for this. Let me have this for a little while longer. It's only a little longer, so please...'

 Mitsuboshi turned his grin to face the path ahead of him. Everything was so perfect. He felt purified, his world was bright again, and Y/N was his everything. It was a dream come true.

Until a fist collided with his face. Mitsuboshi couldn't process what happened. The punch didn't register into him until he felt himself fly forward from the impact. Y/N's hand slipped from his grasp, and everything came crashing down, forcing the boy back into reality. Y/N's soft, warm skin was the thing keeping his personal heaven alive. When it left his hand, everything was so cold and horrible. Mitsuboshi fell onto the ground, scratching several of his limbs in the process.

Y/N stared as Mitsuboshi hit the ground. Their hand suddenly felt...cold. The blonde boy lay motionless on the ground. Y/N's eyes trailed backwards. A rough, carefree voice spoke.

"Well then. There's a blonde boy that sticks out like a sore thumb." a man spoke. Another man behind him sneered. "I really didn't think you'd come back to this place." he snickered sadistically. "Aren't you a dumbass? Well, no matter. This just makes it easier for us to pay you back for getting in the way of our fun back there." the two men walked closer. Y/N's eyes were blank as they focused on the men. They clutched the hem of their clothing, shaking nervously.

Loud cries and screams echoed throughout the still night. Mitsuboshi coughed and wheezed, clutching his body from the pain. The men glared down at the whimpering male. "Damn, he's got a voice." one of the men clicked his tongue in annoyance. "We can always rough him up back in the john." his friend replied calmly. Blood was splattered everywhere and Mitsuboshi could barely tell where he was anymore. The first man grinned. "Yeah, it'd be a real problem if anyone were to see us givin' this little blondie a fun time." he scoffed. Y/N stared on in absolute silence.

Their eyes were wide and filled with horror. They were frozen in fear. Moments later, a piercing pain erupted in Y/N's head, making them clutch their head. They let out a whimper of pain. The trembling person fell to their knees, their hands still holding onto their head. 'It...It hurts. It's hurting again. My...My head. Why?' tears slowly brimmed up into their eyes. The pain was so intense, it was pure agony. 'I...I saw the blood. It was all red, glistening and red...No. No!'

'It feels so painful!' a vision. A hand flailing upwards. The sound of a tight slap resonated throughout the crevices of Y/N's mind. 'I'm...terrified.' another vision. A young child looking upwards, tears staining their face and fear filling their eyes. These were...memories.

Y/N could see the clear reflection of a fist colliding with the child's face. It wasn't real, yet Y/N could feel every single ounce of pain that had been inflicted onto that child. Now, terrified for their life, Y/N squeezed their eyes shut, tears still forming. One last final thought came:

'Someone! Anyone! Please save me!'

The woman stood behind the sobbing individual. Her face was still blurry and vague. Her hair and clothes swayed slowly in the wind. She stared down as Y/N continued crying sorrowfully.

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