Chapter 3: The Beginning

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The first week.

"This new place makes a lot of money! I can provide for both of us, we'll both be able to live a comfortable, happy life, Y/N-chan!" Satou said, holding her beloved's hands in hers. The smile on Y/N's face was enough to send Satou's heart fluttering and racing. "You're working so hard, Satou-chan, and I'm so proud of you!" they cheered, their face flushed with happiness. Those words were like magic, and they made all of Satou's effort matter. Satou had been convinced that she would never find any purpose in living, but Y/N had changed that. She was going to make sure that there were only smiles on her beloved's face. No frowns, no tears. Just smiles.

"My co-workers are very nice. They do admire me quite a bit." Satou admitted, scratching her cheek in an embarrassed manner. Y/N giggled softly, finding a chance to tease her. "Well, you're definitely worth admiring, Satou-chan. Anyone would stare, you're just so cute!" Y/N said, making Satou's whole face go a light shade of pink. Her beloved was just tugging at her heartstrings! She waved her arm in front of her, looking away from Y/N shyly. "D-Don't say things like that! It makes me all flustered.." Satou fumbled, making Y/N break into another giggling fit.

They finally calmed down and took Satou's hand, holding it gently. That's one out of a hundred things that Satou simply adored about them. They were always so gentle, no matter what they did. "We'd better get to sleep. Come along, Satou-chan!" Y/N tugged Satou along, pulling her to their shared bedroom. Soon, the both of them were happily snuggling in their bed.

The second week.

Satou was putting away glasses according to their respective racks. Two female members of staff were watching her do so, an admiring and rather envious look in their eyes. Satou noticed them looking and turned to them, flashing them a small smile. "Anything wrong?" she asked. The both of them shook their heads, suddenly fumbling over their words and getting a bit flustered that Satou was talking to them. Satou didn't care about them in the slightest, but in order to avoid any confrontation, she let out a fake giggle to entertain them a tiny bit.

That giggle seemed to encourage the girls. One of them stepped forward to speak. "S-Satou-chan, we were just looking at you're just always so pretty no matter what you do. You really make us look like plain bread!" they chuckled, blushing slightly. Satou didn't care for any compliments that came from any other mouth apart from her beloved's. But she still smiled. "Don't say that about yourselves! Both of you are cute, just the way you are!" Satou said in a charming voice, striking both of the girls' hearts. Their faces went a light shade of pink.

"Satou-chan, we love you!" the girls cried in unison, clasping their hands together as they gazed at Satou in adoration. Satou clenched her jaw, forcing out a tight-lipped smile. She just couldn't forgive people who said 'I love you' without a care in the world. That phrase should only be reserved by the one you care for the most. Satou continued her job, the conversation she was having with those two admirers of hers coming to an abrupt end. The girls didn't notice any hint of malice, merely thinking that Satou was just a sweet, kind, hard-working young girl.

The third week.

Satou noticed two things. A blonde-haired boy with kind blue eyes. He always looked at her. Whenever she noticed his stare, he always looked away, an embarrassed look on his face. She also noticed her manager's cold stares. They didn't strike her in the slightest, but she was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable whenever the manager gave her those eyes. Satou sighed, continuing to wipe down a table. She just needed to pull through by the end of the month. Then, she would get her paycheck, and she could hear her beloved's words of praise. A bright pink blush appeared on her face as she thought of Y/N's happy smile, greeting her every time she came home. Satou was determined to keep that wonderful, adorable smile on their face.

"Matsuzaka-san." Satou stopped. How annoying. Interrupting her work like that. Satou fought back her annoyed look and turned behind. It was that male co-worker that kept staring at her. Taiyo Mitsuboshi. He was handsome, and a kind person. Satou definitely didn't care at all. "Yes, Mitsuboshi-kun?" she responded in a light, cheery tone. "Could you come with me for a second? I have something to tell you." Mitsuboshi said, pointing to a secluded area of the cafe. Satou swallowed once or twice. She didn't want to have to deal with any more confessions. But she willingly walked with Mitsuboshi, disliking the slight blush that was on his cheeks.

He took a deep breath. "I like you, Matsuzaka-san. Will you go out with me?" he told Satou in a prince-like voice, showing off his charms. Satou wasn't phased. She merely blinked. Mitsuboshi was a nice person, but she loved someone else. She couldn't bring herself to care about him. "You don't have to reply me now. You can give me your answer after your shift." Mitsuboshi reassured her. Satou called after him. She already had an answer, best not to make him wait. "I'm sorry, Mitsuboshi-kun. I've already given my heart to someone else." Satou rejected. Mitsuboshi was a bit surprised, but he handled the rejection well. Satou was glad that he was a sensible person. She didn't notice furious eyes looking at the little scene that had played out.

"Satou-chan, you're home! Welcome back!" Y/N cheered, embracing Satou as she came in through the door. Satou was so happy to see them again, everything around her beginning to melt away until it was just her and Y/N. She let her arms wrap around Y/N's body. "I'm happy to be home, Y/N-chan." she whispered affectionately, pulling Y/N towards her, hugging them tight.

Their night continued like always. The both of them cooked together, ate together, then said their vows under the white sheets and blankets. Satou knew. She had found heaven. Y/N was the angel that had come to guide her to heaven, Y/N was the wonderful being that had filled up her love jar to the brim with candies. Y/N had saved Satou from a meaningless life of solitary. As they slept together, she couldn't help but cuddle closer to Y/N and think happily to herself:

'What could possibly ruin our happy sugar life?'

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