Chapter 14: Your Adorable Features

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Y/N continued running. They followed the woman wherever she went, rounding the same corners and sprinting down the same lanes. It was so tiring, so frustrating, but Y/N wanted their questions answered. All they wanted was to find out the truth. Their eyes were so focused on the woman's familiar figure that they didn't realize a bump in the pavement. They tripped and fell to the ground with a little squeal. Y/N saw the woman offering her hand out to help them up.

"Only a bit left. Just a little bit." the woman assured. Y/N couldn't focus on anything else. They just stared up at the blurred face of the woman. 'I've...forgotten something. It's weird. I feel like I've discussed it with Satou-chan before. Why would I forget it? How could I forget it?' Y/N thought to themself, their hand moving up to take hold of the woman's. ' need to answer me. Who are you?' the two hands were just about to meet. In just one moment.

But another hand reached out and grabbed Y/N's first. All the recognition and vague memories suddenly faded away, just as the image of the woman did as well. At first, Y/N didn't tear their gaze away from the fading woman. It still felt like it was only the two of them in the world. But after everything disappeared from their head, Y/N regained their sense of reality. "There's...there's no way..." they suddenly heard a voice in their ears. Y/N turned their head to look up at the person who had captured their hand first. A certain blondie with blue eyes.

Mitsuboshi's face was flushed, and his dark blue eyes bore into Y/N's soul. "I never imagined that I would ever find you...let alone in a place like this..." he said breathlessly. The look in his glassy, deranged eyes disturbed Y/N. They could see their reflection in them. "Y/N L/N-chan!"

Mitsuboshi's breathing was ragged and uneven. He couldn't think of anything else besides the person in his arms. He gripped Y/N tightly, fearing they might disappear if he let go. 'They warm. That means they're actually here, they're actually real!' he thought to himself. His hands held theirs, gently rubbing his thumbs over them. 'These cute hands...their cute fingers. This is the warmth of innocence and purity.' Mitsuboshi's eyes raised and locked onto Y/N's curious face. 'Adorable lips. And those pure and innocent eyes.' Mitsuboshi could barely stop himself from shaking. 'They're the cutest...the cutest in the universe.' he thought lustfully.

'Oh, right..! There's always been something I've wanted them to do for me.' the boy controlled his breathing and eventually had it steady. "Um...could you do me a favour?" Y/N looked up at him, waiting for his request. "Please." Mitsuboshi placed his hands on the ground and lowered his forehead, going into a bowing position. "Please kiss my boo boo and make the pain go away!" he begged at the top of his lungs. Y/N looked down at the bowing boy, feeling puzzled.

"Pain, pain, begone.." Y/N said quietly. Their hand was gently caressing Mitsuboshi's messy blonde hair. His head was hung low so that it would be easier for Y/N to reach. They titled their head in thought. 'How come this person knows my name?' Y/N recalled their first meeting.

"Y/N L/N-chan!" Mitsuboshi had cried. 'L/N..?' the name he had said after 'Y/N'. They didn't recognize it at all. Small whimpers suddenly alerted them. Droplets of tears were plopping onto the bench. "Oh, no...are you crying?" Y/N whispered worriedly. Mitsuboshi sniffled. "I'm...I'm dirty. Ever since that women did as she liked with my body that day." he whimpered. His voice lightened up at his next statement. "But when I feel your touch, it feels like you're purifying me."

"I'm just so be touched by you..." Y/N stared at the crying boy, their ready sympathy stirring in their heart. They slowly placed their hand back on Mitsuboshi's head. "There, there. You know, your hair is a lovely colour. Please, don't cry." they consoled him softly. Mitsuboshi's soft cries ceased for a moment when they felt Y/N's gentle hand on his head. " name is Taiyou Mitsuboshi..." he mumbled. "Taiyou? Then, it's a pleasure to meet you, Taiyou-kun." Y/N smiled, liking Mitsuboshi's cheery name. It meant 'sun', and it rolled off their tongue quite nicely.

"There, there, Taiyou-kun. Crying is something that will make you sad, so please don't cry." Y/N hushed the older boy as a mother would to her child. Mitsuboshi whimpered out a shaky 'sorry'. Tears continued to drop onto the bench. They came in droplets, making Y/N believe that he was truly crying out of sorrow. But they didn't see the unusual string of liquid seeping down. They didn't know that Mitsuboshi was not crying, those weren't tears that were splattered onto the wooden bench. It was drool, the lustful response from hearing Y/N's soothing words and feeling their soft touch. 'An angel. They're an absolute angel. An angel sent down from heaven who comforts me when I'm at my lowest. Ah..I knew it. I was never mistaken..' Mistuboshi's blue eyes were wide and crazed. His mind drifted back to the moment he first saw Y/N. His crude, twisted vision of 'love at first sight'. A rainy day, a flyer that was pasted onto a rusting lamppost.

'The feeling I felt back when my eyes landed on you for the first time. The wonderful intuition that you were the angelic being that would purify me of all things sinful. I was never wrong!' Mitsuboshi smiled eerily when he recalled dropping his umbrella when he first saw the pure, innocent, and soft features of Y/N on that missing person's flyer. A sense of security and purity had flooded his senses, and he knew that as long as he could see Y/N, they would purify him.

Mitsuboshi's vision blurred, and he was suddenly in touch with the present time. 'Ah, Y/N-chan. I never thought, even as much as I dreamt of it, that I would actually get to see you. God must have noticed the effort I was putting in!' Mitsuboshi's pupils darted upwards as overwhelming waves of pleasure overcame him. 'Y/N-chan, I want you to touch me more! More! Even more than this! Purify me of all my filth and sins!' Y/N's eyes focused on the boy, observing him.

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