Desire 3: Yoichi Yukimura ☁️

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Genre: Fluff

Scenario: After finishing everything at school, you were finally able to visit your boyfriend at camp. You expected him to be as excited as you were, but you didn't expect a welcoming trip.

Thank you Zander_tmh_mobile for requesting!

(M/n) was excited.

Why was the (e/c) eyed male so excited?

Because he was going back to Camp Buddy early to help Yoshinori and the others set up the camp.

He finished his end of the year projects, test, chores, and other things, just so he can go back early.

He wanted to help the Scoutmasters with anything they needed to patch up before the new campers got there.

He also wanted to visit his boyfriend Yoichi and the pups.

The (h/c) haired male was still a bit embarrassed that he'd be dubbed as the mother figure for them, but at least it's something.

Before he headed out, he notified Yoichi that he was coming over to help the camp prepare.

The purple haired male was more than excited to hear that his lover was coming over.

(M/n) packed a decent amount of clothing with most being extra. He can never fully know what was gonna happen with a lover like Yoichi.

When the (h/c) haired male stepped out the bus, he was instantly trampled by a bunch of dogs.

"Oh no." The male deadpanned as he fell over and hit the ground.

They all trampled him with affection since they weren't able to see him for a while.

"Hey! That's enough guys!" A familiar voice yelled.

Footsteps started to get closer, and the pup pile left (M/n)'s view, and big purple eyes were staring back down at you.

He had a smile on his face as he was attempting to hold back his laugh.

"Don't you dare."

This only fueled the male's laughter until he couldn't hold it.

"You got knocked over by a bunch of puppies!" He laughed hysterically.

"Oh, Fuck You!" The other male yelled embarrassed. With a smile, he picked himself up.

Yoichi still laughed clutching onto his stomach. Small tears formed in his eyes.

"It wasn't that funny!" (M/n) yelled, getting even more flustered by the second.

"Hell yeah it was!"

(M/n) sighed, then smiled. He was about to say something when he noticed a figure far behind Yoichi.

Far behind Yoichi's laughing figure, was Taiga holding a tower of boxes. That didn't look very stable.

A box fell over from the tower of cramped objects and fell on the ground.

Taiga let out a groan of frustration as he tried to think of a way to clean the stuff without dropping more.

That was until he heard footsteps.

"You have yourself in quite the story, huh?" (M/n) smiled as he picked up the fallen items and put them in the box on the ground.

"Thanks, (M/n)! You're really a life saver!" Taiga chuckled.

Taiga was able to befriend (M/n) during camp after he got his shit together.

"Where's your boyfriend?"

Male Character x Uke/Bottom Male Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now