Desire 18: Adam ☁️

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Anime: Record Of Ragnarok

Genre: Fluff

Scenario: Adam was led to the existence of an unknown god, and he takes a liking to the god.

A/N: Somewhat of an Au, so plz don't come for me Adam and Eve lovers. I promise you I'm not one to take criticism, and I will block you.

(This is very short! I just wanted something cute to write for a change!!)
"Who're you again?" Adam calmly asked, as he sat on the grassy ground beside a shirtless male with incredibly long (h/c) hair.

"I am M/n, God Of Purity, Life, Perfection, and Homosexuality. I'm mostly being know for the perfection title, but I want to be know for the homosexuality one a lot more." M/n childishly laughed.

"Those are a lot of titles. Did you earn them, or did you just have them bestowed on you?"

"I've actually earned all my titles. I've had only male lovers, but they threw me aside for any woman they came in contact with. It's mostly because male on male love is basically frowned upon and seen as a joke. So, to save their own skin, they found themselves bound to a woman instead. I was only a stepping stone for them to gain attention. I'm not mad though! Humans are so very interesting with the way they can play with people's feelings like this!" M/n childishly giggled again.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I ended up rambling! You didn't wander here to be given useless informat—"

"No, keep talking."


"You're a God, but you have a like for humans. Even when they've betrayed you, you still love them. Also, Your voice is so cool to listen to. Is this why you're called the God Of Purity?"

"Well, the Purity title ties in with homosexuality. In my perspective, being true to yourself is the best way to be pure. Not allowing yourself to be succumbed by the negativity of human life for something you believe in and want to do is why I'm able to live among humans and try to understand them. I'm not tied to anger, sadness, or any other negative emotions! Why would I? Being myself is nothing to feel conflict about!"

"Ah, jeez, I always get so passionate about the negative side of human life that I forget that it has a good side sometimes. But no matter how horrible they may be, they're all still beautiful gods in there own way." M/n stood up from the grassy ground, which surprised Adam a bit.

"Welp, I'm off! It was so nice to meet you, Mankind's father! And thank you for your beautiful descendants." Before M/n could walk away, Adam grabbed the God's hand.

"What about Life?" He said, putting enough of his strength in his hand to keep M/n bound. He noticed that M/n wasn't as muscular as him, but that doesn't mean he's weak. His body might misplace his strength, after all.


"Your Life title. Aren't you gonna explain that to me, too?" Adam tried to find a way to keep the h/c haired male with him here. He didn't want him to leave.

"Adam? Are you serious? You're just gonna sit here and listen to how I got my titles? Do you do this with all the other Gods?"


"Eh? But why—"

"The other Gods don't interest me as much as you do. A God for Mankind only? That's cool."

"W-Well, Father Of Mankind, I—"



"What's with the formalities, M/n. Just call me Adam. You've done it before." He had a faint, but noticeable smile on his face.

"Well, Adam, can you let go of me please? You are going to crush my hand if you keep adding strength like that."

"My bad." Immediately letting go of M/n's hand. He didn't even know he was holding it so tight.

M/n laughed nervously, "Y'know, this is the first time in years I've been set free."

"Set free?"

"Uh, yeah! I'm normally under supervision, but my mother allowed me to roam here! She trust me not to interact with any humans, or I'll be punished."

"Who is your mother?"

"Miss Aphrodite!"


"You say her with such ill tongue. Do you not like my mother?"

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't like any of the Gods."

"Oh? What a curious turn of events! A creation of a God is disobedient to its maker. You're more outstanding than I thought." (M/n) said.

"You think so?" Adam quirked a brow.

"Of course! It's not everyday you don't pray to your makers, but they're incredibly cocky so I understand—"

"Are you gonna be against us?" Adam asked suddenly, surprising the God.


"With Ragnarok. Are you gonna be against us?" He asked again, which (M/n) frowned at.

"As much as I hate it Adam, I am gonna be an enemy in Ragnarok." (M/n) said.

"If you hate it so much, why don't you become an ally for the humans."

"Because I'm scared, Adam. Zeus, Odin, and Loki are all such scary gods. Not to mention, the crowd of lower myths will want to have my head. I'm already on thin ice for being one with the humans. I'll have hell if I ally with them." (M/n) said, looking up at the sky.

"Does that're gonna fight..." Adam asked, secretly hoping (M/n) is just a spectator.

"With me being Aphrodite's son, and one of the most liable of her offspring, I am gonna be a participant in Ragnarok."

Adam cursed to himself when he heard that. It was already enough that (M/n) was scared of the other gods, but now he knows (M/n) has to fight against the humans. Adam knows that (M/n) is an exceptionally powerful god, considering that the h/c haired male creates life ever time he walks.

Adam wants Mankind to win Ragnarok, but he doesn't want (M/n) to lose his fight. If he does, he might never be able to see the (M/n) again.

"You're worried for me, aren't you? I'm tougher than I look, y'know?" (M/n) laughed.

Adam didn't look amused, which made (M/n) frown.

The God sighed, "Look, Ragnarok doesn't have this thing known as a tie. It's completely bogus, completely one sided, but no matter what happens to me, I want mankind to win." (M/n) walked forward and crouched in front of the still sitting Adam.

"Promise me that you'll help them towards their success." He said with a smile.

"Of course I will! What kind of father would I be if I didn't help my children?" He answered.

"Good! Now," (M/n) kisses Adam's cheek, which made the man smile a bit. "Lets enjoy out time right now."


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