Desire 15: Guy Crimson ❤

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Anime: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Genre: Smut

Scenario: A bright hero has caught the attention of a dark force.

TW: Basically Manipulative Rape, Ruining the Reader's Innocence

(Haven't watched the anime, so I have no idea how he's suppose to act.)

Thank you Danielle101400 and silverfrostlight for requesting! Sorry it took so long! I got held up.

"You feel so good!" The red haired Demon Lord grunted as he basically caged M/n in, thrusting ruthlessly into him.

"!~" The male can only respond with moans; his eyes were rolled to the back of his head, and he couldn't form any sentences. Any thought he wanted to have was immediately thrusted out by the Lord himself, and he smirked at the sinful influence he had on the male.

"I've...been watching you for quite some time. You're always smiling, and you work so hard for people that you don't even know. You've intrigued me so..." Guy admitted between his grunts.

"" M/n managed to choke out. He couldn't believe that he was in this situation. He couldn't even believe how he got in this situation, but let's see if you can.

"Thank you so much, sweetheart! I didn't know how I was gonna get these boxes here in such a short time." An elderly woman said, sighing in relief at the finished business.

The boy named M/n placed his hands on his hips, "No need to thank me! It wasn't much of a hassle at all." The boy said with a smile.

"Wasn't much?! You carried over two hundred crates filled with solid iron bars! Let me pay you for your help!" The woman said, slightly shocked by the boy's strength.

"No need! I don't need the pay! That was an amazing workout, however! I'll consider that the pay."

"I really don't think that's enough. How about dinner?" She offered.

"No thanks! I'm not hungry!" He smiled.

"A place to stay?" She offered.

"No thanks! I don't like to stay here!" He smiled more.

The boy continued to surprise the woman. He denied any act of help while he was carrying the boxes, and now he's denying any reward for his hard work.

"I already said before I helped...I don't need any reward. I'm doing this out of the kindness of my heart." The boy giggled.

"Thank you so much, sweetheart!" She bowed.

The boy chuckled, "Just call me M/n."

"M/n? The Perfectionist? Is that really you?" The woman questioned.

"I wouldn't exactly call myself an perfectionist. I'm just able to do tasks efficiently to suit a persons' desires." He smiled.

M/n, The Perfectionist; a title that soared across the whole planet in less than a day. He's known for being an adventurous boy who loves helping people, and doing task that they offer with ultimate efficiency. However, he doesn't let people use him for granted. If he believes that they can do the job on their own, he'll leave them to it.

Surprisingly, M/n the Perfectionist wasn't the only title he was known for. There was also: M/n, The Saint; M/n, The Angel; M/n, The Wanderer; and another bunch of titles.

It's a surprise to M/n himself that he was able to gain popularity by doing the things he love most: exploring and helping.

Suddenly, there was a scream that shook M/n out his thoughts. He ran to where he heard the cry for help, and stopped when he saw a bunch of people in mask.

Male Character x Uke/Bottom Male Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now