Desire 9: Aster Winterfield 🍋

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Anime: N/A: Oc

Anime: N/A: Oc

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Genre: Lemon

Scenario: He's overprotective, but lovable. After the party's over, he just wants to be the only person you see.

TW: Clingy and Protective Lover, Jealousy, Overstimulation, Rough Sex, Size Difference, Belly Bulge

(Y'know just regular filth.)


Aster silently sipped his liquor as he blankly stared at the two men talking a few inches away from him.

Aster is a tan male with cotton candy pink hair and dull grey eyes. He's taller and buffer than anyone else at this party, and he's also a bit rude.

He mostly likes to dress formally, but also likes to dress comfortably. He also wears a black mask on his face everyday.

He wears golden earrings the shape of a cross, and also wore a very expensive diamond ring.

M/n having the same diamond ring on his ring finger as well.

Though covered by his clothes, the pink haired male had a numerous amount of tattoos; the black ink drawing of a combat knife on his hand.

He watched the two men closely.

One was his fiancé, M/n L/n.

The other was a male with green hair that he's never seen before.

Well, known personally.

He's seen his fiancé talk to this man before, but he never introduced himself.

Aster watched as his fiancé smiled at the words the green haired male spewed from his mouth.

It irked him.

He didn't want to feel like that, but M/n was the only person to love him ever since they were kids.

He wasn't loved by many because he was 'scary', but M/n and his family showed him what love was like.

And he never wanted to let go, or even share.

This all started because they were hosting a birthday party at their house for M/n's mother.

He was happy for M/n's mother, but he was so distracted by the chemistry that the two males in front of him radiated.

This sparked a feeling within the pink haired male. His dull, grey eyes were now flamed with the same suspicious emotion.

M/n finished giggling at one of the green haired male's corny jokes, and noticed that his lover wasn't doing the same.

Eventhough he had a mask on, he could tell that Aster wasn't smiling either.

He looked over and saw that Aster was glaring at his friend.

Male Character x Uke/Bottom Male Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now