Desire 11: Eijiro Kirishima 🌦

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Anime: My Hero Academia

Genre: Angst & Fluff

Scenario: M/n is driven to insanity by the community and his own quirk.

(I'm trying Angst with Fluff. Don't judge if it turns out bad, okay?)

TW: Suicide Attempt, Depression, and a bunch of other things I do not know how to word

Parts: 1

Thank you Kitty_nii-chan for requesting this!


"No, no, M/n. You aren't hungry, you aren't hungry at all." M/n muttered to himself as he sat in the bed of his dorm.


'Oh, so you aren't hungry now?' A voice echoed.

'Trying to control yourself after you've already eaten me.' The voice continued with a small chuckle.

"S-Shut up! It's not like I wanted to!"

'Bullshit! I saw that greedy look in your eyes as you consumed me!' The voice retaliated.

"Please just leave me alone. I'm so sorry!" M/n cried.

The voice clicked its tongue, 'An apology won't bring me back, kid.' The voice growled with venom on each lingering word.

"I'm...not...hungry." The h/c haired male muttered again before his e/c eyes turned a ghastly purple.

M/n's vision changed.

Instead of seeing regular things scattered across his room, he now saw ghastly white orbs flying around his vision.

M/n closed his eyes to not look at the white orbs, and he continued to let his stomach growl.

'Go ahead and eat another.' The voice teased.

M/n's quirk is a powerful curse.

Soul Keeper; it allows him to eat souls and gain their quirks without their followed drawbacks.

However, M/n's quirk has two major drawbacks itself.

One, regular foods no longer work for M/n to count as a proper meal. He needs souls in order to actually fill his stomach, but that doesn't mean regular food loss its touch with him. They can still suffice, but he'll be on the brink of hunger no matter how many foods he eats.

Two, the voices of the recent souls he's eaten can talk to him in his head. They'll whisper to him, and criticize him for eating their wondering soul.

Unfortunately for him, the voices don't do away until after a full twenty-four hours.

"A few more hours, and I won't hear from you no more."

'But right after, you'll eat another, right?' The soul asked.

'Just face it. You'll never be sane.'

M/n wasn't mostly liked.

Not by the community, or even some students of U.A.

They say that his quirk was the work of the devil itself, and that it disturbs the peace of other's resting relatives.

And he could agree.

He's aware of what he's doing to the souls, but he couldn't control himself.

"I-I'm sane." The h/c haired male knows he's lying. How can he be sane?

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