Desire 4: Guy Crimson ❤

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Anime/Fandom: That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime

Genre: Smut

Scenario: You are a God From The Abyss, a godly being that lives among humans with the goal of creating a better life for them. Usually, Gods from the Abyss aren't supposed to interact with the Demon Lords, but a certain Primordial wouldn't leave him alone.

Thank you Danielle101400 for requesting!

I don't know much about this anime, but I'll try my best to satisfy your desire.

(I tried so hard not to call Guy specifically a male. Also, OOC Guy Crimson.)
"Slow down you fuckin' bastard!" (M/n) moaned as the Demon Lord thrusted harder.

(M/n) was against one of the Soul Trees he grew getting absolutely ravaged by the Demon Lord, Guy Crimson.

"This feels amazing!" The lord smiled in attempt to flatter the male, but that only made the other shy away.

Now, you're probably wondering how this situation happened.

"I'm getting so fucking tired of that striped, idiotic red head! How many times do I have to tell 'em? Gods from the Abyss aren't allowed to be around Demon Lords!"(M/n) yelled as he floated in his realm, which was a beautiful meadow with abnormal glowing blue flowers with a huge blue tree; rain continuously falling down on the moist soil softly.

No one, other than himself, is capable of living in it.

Anyone that tried to enter his realm without his permission will be blinded by the beautiful light.

(M/n) wasn't a Demon Lord, but he was a very powerful abnormal being. His presence was noticed by a group called The Gods Of The Abyss.

And when he joined, he was named The God of Order.

Gods from the Abyss aren't allowed to associate with Demon Lords, but unfortunately, that was the God Of Order's entire job.

Even if he's is highly known and also highly worshipped, his job is to keep the Demon Lords in order when they go too far, or if he feels they're making rash decisions.

He basically an extra voice in their head; a second conscious.

And with that fact, his mother wasn't happy with it at all. She barely allowed him to join the Abyss because it was dangerous. Now, she regret letting him go.

Though, he was starting to regret becoming a God himself; mostly because of a Demon Lord named Guy Crimson.

Regularly, (M/n) completely tore his guidance and patience from the red head.

Guy Crimson is known as the oldest of the Primordials and the first to seat at the Octagram. He's also known for being a huge pain in (M/n)'s ass.

Even if his job evolved around Demon Lords, his isn't supposed to verbally or physically interact with them, unless they're doing something stupid.

Though Crimson, with the acceptance of others, interacted with him regardless.

But, continuously, Crimson flirts with the male, even when he ignores it.

"So, what'cha doing in here?" A voice cooed.

The sudden voice caused (M/n) to fall on his face.


"Cutie-sama, you should really watch where you're landing."

(M/n) knows that nickname.

Cutie-sama was the name given to him by Guy Crimson. Not only is it a pain to hear it from him, but other Demon Lords called him that too.

Male Character x Uke/Bottom Male Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now