Desire 8: Mokoroji Yuja ❤

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Anime: N/A: Oc

Anime: N/A: Oc

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Genre: Smut

Scenario: The Dragon Prince's rut is still strong. Can you handle the continuous want and needs of the prince?

Tw: "Princess" Nickname, and the same TWs from the first one, Praise Kink

Thank you for requesting JustGoWithItFam!

(I feel like I should do this one first before I do the Fluff chapter that was requested. Merry Christmas! )

The rumble of low growls mixed with needy whimpers woke (M/n) up from his slumber.

He opened his eyes, and was met with the sight of his large dragon hybrid boyfriend.

A large amount of blush was on the prince's face, and he growled as he pridefully showed his fangs.

"Moko?" (M/n) whispered as he attempted to adjust his sight.

He could see how the bigger male's eyes shined at (M/n)'s sudden awakening.

"Princess..." Mokoroji growled as he leaned into (M/n)'s neck and bit down into his skin.

(M/n) blushed from the nickname and whimpered from the sharp pain of the bite.

"I missed your sounds so much!" He growled again as he swiftly removed the smaller male's underwear.

"Ah-?!" (M/n) yelped in surprise.

"It was so hard for me not to touch you while you were resting. I don't know if I can sustain myself any longer." Mokoroji said.

Mokoroji desperately yanked the smaller male into his lap.

The back of (M/n)'s head was laid on the dragon hybrid's chest, and his legs were lifted up in the air by Mokoroji's hands.

Mokoroji's size was hard to not recognize as it was proudly erected between (M/n)'s ass cheeks.

"Apologies for my roughness...but I need you right now...." He whispered into the smaller male's ear before he started to position his thick tip at (M/n) entrance.

(M/n)'s hole was slightly spreaded from, since they mated a few hours ago before he fainted.

"Wait....what about-" Mokoroji cut off (M/n)'s sentence as he slowly pushed his the tip inside.

It went in a bit easier than (M/n) anticipated, but the far stretch was still unsettling.

"Fuc...." The (h/c) haired male was already dazed as Yuja continued to push deeper.

"I love you so much!" He yelled as he trusted all of his ginormous size into the smaller male.

A sizeable bump appeared on the male's abdomen.

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