Staying Alive

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(I could've easily had "Stayin' Alive" as the chapters song—but I didn't. Anyways, 2nd chapter published at once)

(Also, I promise Season 5 chapters will be much longer)


The two dinosaurs had continued to brutally fight each other despite wanting to leave but the drones had blocked them into their very small arena.

"How could we let this happen?" Yaz frowned at the sight. Her, Sammy, and Ben had been watching the fight after they had returned from their part of the mission while Brooklynn and Kenji had just met back up with them.

"What's going on? Why isn't Darius stopping this?" Sammy asked.

"There was a bunch of BRADs. We had to take cover." Kenji tried explaining. "We lost sight of Kash." Brooklynn finish's for him.

"That means he could be in there with Darius!" Sammy whispered.

"What about Hunter? The last time I saw him was in the Arctic biome." Ben said.

Brooklynn looked at Ben and sighed, pressing the bottom of her palms against her forehead. "Everything's going wrong..."


Darius leaned away from the rabbids cosplayer.

"Start talking. Who are you?" Kash somehow intimidated Darius.

After a quick moment: Darius beamed at Kash. "I'm the luckiest guy alive! Another human! Finally, I'm saved!" He hugged Kash (too far, Darius, too far).

Kash seemed disgusted somebody touched him. "Okay, easy. Just back it up, kid!"

"And answer my questions!"

"Who are you and how did you get on my island?"

Darius sighs. "My name is Darius Bowman. My boat was destroyed, and I washed up here. I...I came from Isla Nublar."

Kash seemed completely shocked to hear that.


The fight between the two dinosaurs was getting worse; one of Pierces spikes had broke off into a wound on Big Eatie. "What are we gonna do? Big Eatie and Pierce are gonna kill each other!" Sammy exclaimed.

Kenji, Yasmina, Ben, and Sammy glanced at each other before they all instinctively turned to Brooklynn for an answer. Whenever Hunter or Darius wasn't around; she'd usually be 3rd in command.

"The drones are forcing them together. Split up; we need to knock 'em out of the sky so Pierce can get away." She ordered before the five had split up.


Kash crossed his arms as he didn't believe Darius after processing his story in whatever he has inside his head. (Does Kash have a brain? Kinda hard to believe he does...)

"Nice try. Jurassic World tanked six months ago." Kash stated.

Darius acted like he was in disbelief as he had already heard that before. "No way...are...has it really been that long?"

Kash still didn't seem to believe him.

"My dad and I were on vacation when that Indominus thing escaped. We hid in these caves for a while, so we kissed the evacuation. After that, we had to fight for our lives every day. My dad, he..."

"...he didn't make it."

Darius did something Hunter does terrifyingly too well: lie by telling the truth.

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