Did you miss me

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Did you miss me, cause I missed you?

I saw the way you were looking at me

Tell me I didn't imagine the twinkle in your eyes that I saw

Such passion, so wild, freaky and raw

Was that all for me, I'll keep your secret, you can tell me?


Do you wanna kiss me, cause I wanna kiss you?

Pucker up baby, I'm about to show you how much I miss you

Was that a blush? Another reason I love you so much

Don't be shy baby, I know you wanna taste

Come on sweetie don't let this moment go to waste


Can you feel my heart beat, cause I can feel yours?

How long has it been two, three hours?

Come on baby, love me like this world is ours

Of course, I'd do anything for you

Just let me spend tonight showing you


Do you love me, cause I love you

So much passion and heat, it has to be true love

What we feel in our hearts is so real and rear

Take my hands baby, you have nothing to fear

All I want and need is your love and care

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