Wattpad lover

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I love writing stories on Wattpad

It’s where all my crazy ideas are stored.

I love reading and writing so I’m never bored.


I never expected to find love on Wattpad

And not just any kind of love

It’s the kind of love that will send you mad

But will never make you sad.


I never thought that a website could change my world

And make me into a love sick school girl

This guy I met is so great

This love we share is from faith.


I love a guy I’ve never personally seen

And whenever he tells me he loves me

And calls me his Queen

I sometimes feel like faith is being mean


My heart is in danger

And body crave this stranger

My soul is in too deep, there is no turning back

From this web that we have spun

Our hearts has taken over, for they have won


My wattpad lover is times and times away

I’ve never loved someone from so far

We fight the distance between us every day, like it’s a war

And if we keep on fighting we might just touch a star


I crave his voice like the air I breathe

In my heart he has planted a seed

That has grown and blossomed as the days go by

Now in my heart I carry a flaming love that shall never die


I wish to kiss his lips

And feel his hands caress mine

I wish to rest my head on his shoulder

And tell him how my day has been

I wish to tell him of all the wonderful people I’ve met

And all the beautiful things I’ve seen


I wish, I wish for my hearts desire 

 However, for a love like this I shall wait forever

For my Wattpad lover.

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