Stolen Virtue

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Sweet young girl, at her first party.

Face all dolled up with a head full of curls,

dancing all night with her girls. 

She's having fun,

out on the dance floor wild and free.

Boys are offering her beers, she shakes her head,

"I don't want to taste it.

Besides, tonight I wanna have fun not get wasted."

She's offered a soda instead.

So caught up in the music, she forgets to use her head.

Never accept drinks from anyone,

if you didn't get it yourself then have none.

Drinking her soda dancing away,

the room soon starts to fade away.

A helping hand and a gentle voice asking, "are you ok?"

She leans on him for support,

she can no longer stand on her feet.

Shearching everywhere to find a seat.

Her head is spinning, everyone moving fast.

With her head resting against this gentle someone,

blackness engolfed her not before long.

She woke in the morning to find her virtue gone.

She cries the tears of every women who's been through what she has.

She ask herself the same questions.

"Why me? What did I do wrong? Did I deserve this?"

She looks out into the open shouting to whoever is listening.

"What have I ever done to hurt you that you would hurt me by stealing from me my virtue."

"What you stole from me can never be replace.

You had no right to take it in the first place.

It's mine to give or mine to keep.

I'm the one who is supposed to choose who to give it to,

and I sure as hell did not choose you."

You bastard, you stole my virtue.

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