I found that

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I found that I’m stronger

I found that I last longer without you

I found that I can stand on my own

I found that I’m no longer alone

Now that I’m without you


You use to think that my life was about you

You use to think that I couldn’t function without you

For a while a started to believe you

I was cooped up in this house so afraid to leave you

I thought nobody could ever love me like you do


I thought that I was ugly

I thought I was fat

You took away my self esteem and made me believe that

I hid my face in public ashamed of myself

I shy away from my friends

Because you said, all I need was you and no one else


I use to cry at night

Blaming God for making me such an undesirable sight

Now that I’ve seen the light

I’m ready to put up a fight


I’m ready to fight for what I believe in

And what I think is true

And I truly believe that I’m better off without you


I found that I’m free

I found so much beauty within me

Now that I’m without you

I found that I like being me instead of we


I found that I needed to believe in myself

And have faith

You found out as well, but you found out too late

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