I own you

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I was never a free person, I kept fooling myself

I though being far away from you would cut all your ties

I fooled myself into believing my own lies

But you found me, whispering those three words that are my very demise

I own you

My smile was never my own

It belonged to you and you alone

How dare I share it without your permission?

Everything I do is your decision

Those three words you whispered is nothing new

I own you

I swear I never looked at that guy

Please believe me it's not a lie

My body as only ever known your touch

No one else is allowed, I know that much

These marks on my skin has turned blue as you whispered

I own you

I never meant to come home late

You've got to believe me, I wasn't on a date

I know my life is not mine, it's yours

You keep reminding me every day with new scars

I know who I belong to, you tell me every day

I own you

Of course I love you, you said I do, so I do

Why would I dare lie to you?

I promise, I've only ever sheared your bed

To sleep with another would mean me being dead

Those three words you brand on me like a tattoo

I own you

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