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I’ve thought about it, I swear I have

I’ve held the knife so many times

But I’ve never been brave enough to do it


I’ve been to the edge

And I saw the distance down

I’ve even make a few attempts

But try as I might I couldn’t do it


I’ve opened and closed the door many times

I’ve even stuck my head out as the cars passes me by

I’ve felt the speed of the wind on my face

And I wanted to be carried away with it

But again I couldn’t bring myself to do it


I’ve held the bottle in my hands many times

I’ve even counted out the amount that will work

I’ve swallowed a few, but never enough to end it

However, just as before I just couldn’t do it


I did something amazing today

And I didn’t even had to think about it

I chose to live my life even if it seems unfair

I chose to make my own happiness

And if you don’t like it

Well guess what? I don’t care. 

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