Life is not a fairy tale

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Stop acting like you're Cinderella

It doesn't matter if you lost a shoe or two

There's no prince coming for you

Life is hard so deal with it

Don't just give up and submit

Get off your ass and do something to improve it

That ugly frog is not a prince in disguise

So kissing him would not be very wise

Whoever told you that has told you lies

Ugliness is in this world to stay

Pretending that it's not there will not make it go away

It has already started stealing our colours and turning them to grey

No one will wake you up with true loves kiss

I shouldn't even have to tell you this

It's embarrassing that you even believe this

Open your eyes to the world around you

Take a look at the world from a different view

There're those who are far worse off than you

Life is not a fairy tale

Your problems will not be solve by the arrival of a handsome male

If you want something you'll have to achieve it on your own

And most of the time you'll end up doing it alone.  

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