Lust. He watched her through her window that night
The way she combs her hair turns him on.
The need to possess her is too much for him to bare
This might be the night he fulfilled his lustful cravings.
Greed. Although she has everything she still wants more
Nothing is enough for her, why can't she have it all?
This is the question she asks herself as she takes what little
Others have to fulfil her greed.
Laziness. He wondered why is it that he should have to work
He quite like sitting on the couch relaxing. It doesn't matter that
He hasn't moved for days. He doesn't move slowly when he decides to
Work, he's just tired that's all. He doesn't believe he's lazy.
Envy. She smiles at her sister as she walked off with her boyfriend
But in her heart she wants what she's got. She doesn't want a relationship
Like what her sister have. No, she wants her sister's relationship, she
Envied everything her sister had. Why should she get the perfect life?
She asks herself as she plots to take it all from her.
Pride. He proudly polished his trophy as he waits for his guest to arrive
He couldn't wait to gloat about all his achievements. He wanted
Them all to be jealous. And they should be, it's not like he hasn't worked
Hard for all that he has. Pride fill his heart as he thought this.
Wrath. The anger she felt toward those who hurt her seeped
Deep within her soul. Forgiveness is something that she can never give.
Vengeance has consumed what little good she had left. It won't be
Long before she unleashes her wrath on them all.
Gluttony. He continued eating even though he was full.
There was only a little to share amounts the seven of them
But that didn't stop him from eating. They didn't need it as
much as he did. They were already filling themselves up
On lust, greed, laziness, envy, pride and wrath, so why shouldn't he be glutton?
Book of words.
PoetryWriting down what I feel at the moment I feel it has always work for me. I will no longer have that weight or burden to carry around anymore, It frees me. I just want to share them with you guys. I hope you like them, so enjoy reading them just as...