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The fact that I'm a mystery is a mystery to you

The fact that you can't decipher why I do the things I do

Will forever be a mystery for you

You will never figure out the meaning behind my words or the things I say

When you look at me I never look the same as yesterday

I'm more mysterious than I ever was but just a little more today

It's hard for you to grasp me because I'm always out of your reach

My formidable steel bar for barriers you can't breach

I'm still mysterious, still out of your reach

You find it hard to keep up with the things I do

You know little to nothing about me, but I know so much about you

I know you wish I wasn't such a mystery, but your wish will never come true

You've been asking questions, but no one claims to know me

Just when you think you've ventured across that turbulent sea

You're blocked by a mysterious web that keeps you from getting to me

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