Tryna ruin me

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I don't really like you

Every chance I get I fight you

Still you want me beside you

Why you tryna ruin me?

I ain't never gonna be who you want me to be

Keep on saying that you love me

Do you think I really care?

All of your sweet talk I really ain't tryna hear

You keep on tryna ruin me

Why can't you just leave me be?

Don't look at me like I'm your life

Stop begging I ain't never gonna be your wife

I ain't never gonna be an us or a we

I ain't tryna be no one else but me

Would you just give up on tryna ruin me

You tryna corrupt me with your touch

But guess what? I still don't like you very much

Kissing me ain't gonna change the way I feel

I know it's my heart you tryna steal

Stop tryna ruin me, I ain't never gonna feel what you want me to feel

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