Oh mother

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Oh mother, my mother

Oh how I love you, there is no other above you

I will forever cherish and honour you

I will live my life trying to make you proud of me

To become person you always told me I could be

Oh mother, my mother

I know you had it hard sometimes with me

I saw the way you tried to always do what's best for me

You still loved me even when I shouted I hate you

I'm so ashamed of my ways now, it hard to face you

Oh mother, my mother

I never understood why you gave me so many rules

I use to think that you were trying to ruin my life or embarrass me at school

But now that I'm older I understand, and I feel like a fool

You just wanted what was best for me, when I just wanted to be cool

Oh mother, my mother

Now that I'm a mom I'm being put through every test

I have sleepless night, and my days are filled with stress

It would be a miracle if my kids allowed me a day of peaceful rest

I'm amazed at how you did it, I love you mom, and I think you're the best

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