002 | just a small token of appreciation

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Jungkook wakes to someone shaking him by the shoulder, and drags the duvet further over his head with a protesting groan, trying to sink back down into the warmth and comfort of a dreamless sleep.

"Hyung, you've already snoozed your alarm twice," a familiar voice murmurs apologetically, preventing Jungkook from drifting off again. "Your shift stars in an hour, and you need to eat something first."

Head emerging from the cosy cocoon of bedsheets just enough that he can squint towards his bedside table, Jungkook groans again, this time in resignation at the glowing 13:00 glaring back at him from his alarm clock. He hates switching between nightshifts and dayshifts like this – his body's convinced that it's still the middle of the night, and he'd give anything in the world to just roll over and go back to sleep if he could...but new shoes don't grow on trees, and he's got rent make by the end of next week. Plus his part-time job at Euphoria pays relatively well compared to some other food industry jobs, and he really can't afford to get fired for showing up late.

"I know, nightshifts suck," Moonbin commiserates, patting his shoulder sympathetically through the duvet. "I made kimchi stew, do you want some? Thanks for going shopping, by the way...at least let me pay half, though. You kinda splurged, hyung – especially on the rice cooker, it looks expensive. Are you sure we can afford that?"

Jungkook's brow crinkles in a sleepy frown as he rubs his eyes groggily. "Hn?"

"I thought you were saving up for new boots," the Werecat continues, promptly tugging away his duvet to help motivate Jungkook into wakefulness. "Organic veggies, fancy fruit, sirloin steak? Did a customer tip you bigtime, or something?"

Sitting up in bed, Jungkook huffs a tired laugh.

"That'll be the day," he quips around a yawn, stretching his arms above his head and feeling his stiffened joints pop satisfyingly. "Sorry, there wasn't time to go shopping before my shift started yesterday; I'll pick up a few things on my way home tonight. Pretty sure all we've got in the refrigerator is out-of-date yoghurt and ketchup."

Moonbin looks amused as he crosses his arms over his chest. "What, and I'm supposed to believe that a full week's haul of groceries just magically appeared in our kitchen without you knowing about it?"

Jungkook's fatigue-foggy brain finally catches up with what the younger man has been saying, and he drops his arms quickly as the events of that morning come rushing back to him all at once; finding Taehyung outside in the rain, inviting him in, belatedly discovering he was a Vampire and feeding him that blood-pouch, encountering the mysterious and clearly very powerful Kim Seokjin...

"Stranger things have happened," he tells his roommate faintly, climbing out of bed on slightly wobbly legs and making a beeline for the kitchen.

And just as Moonbin had described, there really is a week's worth of high quality fresh produce filling every nook and cranny of his previously-empty refrigerator. There's even a neat row of blood-pouches lining the little shelf on the inside of the fridge door; far more than had been there earlier that day, even before he'd given two to his unexpected houseguest.

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