011 | pick me up, buttercup

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"Hey...you're not still mad at me, right?" Jungkook murmurs, cheek pressed against the side of Yugyeom's head as his best friend piggy-backs him down the main path towards the drop-off zone.

The whole "hey, so I met a stranger on Saturday morning and now we're bonded" conversation at lunch had gone over pretty well, all things considered...but just like with Jaebum, his best friend hadn't exactly been thrilled to find out how many health-related secrets Jungkook's been keeping from him these past five or six weeks. Moonbin had clearly seen the warning signs ahead of time and ducked out before the two of them actually started arguing (ostensibly to meet up with Minhyuk and Sanha, but Jungkook knows how much his roommate hates conflict, so he can't really blame the werecat for wanting to escape). And it really had been an argument, at least by their standards – in the eight years he and Yugyeom have known each other, they've only come to blows (verbally, that is) on a handful of occasions, so anything involving genuine anger always feels like a Big Deal.

Still, Jungkook knows he'd kinda had it coming, what with keeping his chronic sleeplessness and daily headaches (and those awful recurrent migraines) a secret for so long. Were he in Yugyeom's shoes, he probably would've been pissed too.

"But they weren't always as bad as yesterday," he'd tried to explain, a cold sort of nausea churning in his gut and a lump lodged in his throat at seeing Yugyeom so visibly upset with him. "It wasn't even an issue until this past weekend – if they'd been like that right from the start, I would've gone to see a doctor weeks ago, I promise. But I was coping just fine...at least, I thought I was. Look, I know it sounds like a big deal, but I wasn't really keeping it a secret on purpose, I just didn't wanna worry you over nothing. I didn't think it would get worse all of a sudden. Yesterday was just...really, really bad."

"Of course it got fucking worse, Kookie," Yugyeom had fumed, throwing his hands in the air in an agitated gesture as he paced back and forth on the other side of the picnic bench. "It got worse because you ignored all those migraines for over a month and didn't fucking tell anyone how shitty you were feeling!"

"But it wasn't like that all the time," Jungkook had insisted plaintively, regretting how much food he'd eaten because now it felt like it could come back up again at any moment. "The headaches always went away so fast, and I mostly felt okay when I was at school. If I'd known things were gonna keep getting worse, I would've told you, honest. I'm sorry, Gyeomie..."

He could tell his best friend hadn't been entirely happy with that flimsy excuse, but it was also obvious that Yugyeom hated fighting as much as Jungkook did. So, with a muttered threat about dragging Kookie's ass to a healer himself the next time he so much as sneezed, the werewolf had dropped down onto the bench beside him and pulled him into a firm and much-needed hug, nuzzling the crown of his head with a soothing rumble. Just in time, too – Jungkook had probably been about five seconds away from actual tears, and one more firm rebuke would've pushed him over the edge.

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