019 | what goes up (must come down)

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Jungkook's cheeks are aching from smiling so much by the time they reach the border of the old forest.

He's never been on a motorbike before, and man has he been missing out. Even though Jimin hadn't done any of the cool (albeit potentially illegal) manoeuvring that Jungkook's seen other bikers do before – like weaving in and out of traffic at breakneck speeds – the whole experience had still been such a thrill. Having a valid excuse to backhug Jimin for a solid twenty minutes had been pretty great too.

Jimin slows the motorbike to a halt, dropping his gloved hand from the throttle to squeeze one of Jungkook's arms where it's wrapped snugly around the dancer's waist.

"How's it going back there, bun?"

"Awesome," Jungkook enthuses, unable to contain his enthusiasm. "So, so awesome, oh my god. You're the coolest, hyung."

Jimin laughs, the sound muffled a little behind his tinted visor.

"I'm glad you approve," the vampire returns, his smile audible. "Although I have a feeling that title belongs to Jin-hyung – I ride motorbikes, he rides griffins."

Jungkook flails internally, because hold the phone. "He does what?"

"I mean, we all do sometimes," Jimin muses casually, as if they're merely talking about taking the bus. "But griffins are like cats in more than just appearance, so they have to be in the mood – nine times out of ten they'll just dump you on your ass. On a good day Odengie lets me ride him through the forest, though. They all love Namjoon-hyung, but apparently he had a few too many riding accidents so they won't carry him around anymore. Still, Jin-hyung's their favourite, for sure – he's the only one who gets to fly with them. I guess the griffins are probably just worried about the rest of us dying if we fall off mid-flight."

Jungkook has so many questions.

Griffins are considered to be practically extinct due to how rarely they've been sighted in recent decades, although it's been speculated that the creatures have simply found a way to hide their existence from mankind by retreating deep into the mountains and ancient druid forests where their species had first originated. But the Kim nest is only on the outskirts of the city; the forest is easily within visual range of the suburban population, so how come nobody's ever seen a bunch of griffins flying around above the treetops? He knows they're probably good at hiding themselves if they don't want to be seen, but he's never heard of a griffin who could actually turn invisible.

Jungkook's guessing some sort of magic is at work here, maybe something similar to the wards that Jin has in place along the borders of his nest; a spell that can cloak the griffins and protect them from being seen by anyone outside of the coven. That certainly seems like something Jin would be capable of doing; the vampire continues to go above and beyond all of Jungkook's preconceived expectations, and by this point he's almost given up trying to set the bar any higher. Seokjin is just a walking impossibility.

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