030 | griffins and grown-up decisions

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Jungkook loves the forest.

The sounds, the smells, the colours, the crunch of layered foliage beneath his feet, everything. And there's something about the air itself that feels different – a tangible, breathing energy that invigorates the body. He wants to break into a run, or climb that huge oak tree over there, or go splashing through the shallow brook.

He won't, though, because Namjoon has given him firm instructions not to overexert himself, and this is the first time he's been allowed outside for a proper walk. He isn't going to break the rules, even if he kinda wants to. Jungkook isn't used to being idle for days at a time, and even with Yugyeom and Binnie's regular visits, and the whole coven working to keep him distracted with books (Yoongi) and music (Hoseok) and computer games (Taehyung), the prolonged period of complete physical inertia had ultimately left him feeling restless, itching for a chance to properly stretch his legs.

And finally this evening, five days into his recovery, Namjoon had deemed Jungkook fit enough to take an evening stroll through the woods – provided that someone went with him in case he fell victim to another withdrawal headache and needed help getting back to the mansion.

Both Taehyung and Jimin had been quick to offer their services, eager to show Jungkook their favourite rocky outcropping on the hillside where they could sit together and watch the sunset.

"You don't wanna do that," Tae warns, drawing Jungkook out of his thoughts as he swings their joined hands together, watching in amusement as Chim veers towards a muddy patch. "If you get dirty, Jin-hyung's gonna make you take another bath."

Chim cranes his head around to send the vampire an affronted look, and the dog pointedly skirts around the edge of the puddle to pick up a tiny branch on the other side. Tail wagging, he trots back over to them with his head held high, and promptly drops the stick at Jungkook's feet. When the youth doesn't react, Chim huffs a soft little boof of encouragement and nudges the branch closer with his nose, head lowered and furry butt wiggling in anticipation.

"He wants you to throw it," Taehyung translates, fondness in his voice.

Jungkook blinks, a delighted smile curling at his lips. "Oh."

He immediately reaches for the stick, Chim ducking closer to lick the back of his knuckles before dancing several feet ahead, poised and ready. The moment Jungkook rears his arm back, the pup's already speeding away, skidding in the dry foliage in his eagerness to play fetch. The stick flies halfway up the gentle incline and lands in a bush, but Chim is undeterred, leaping eagerly into the greenery and disappearing from sight. A moment of stillness passes, before the energetic ball of pale fur explodes from beneath the thicket of vegetation and comes running back towards them, dry leaves now clinging to his coat.

Laughing at the shifter's eager retrieval, Jungkook lets go of Taehyung's hand to crouch down just as Chim skids to a halt in front of him, reaching out to gently brush the foliage from the pup's thick fur as the stick is deposited at his feet again. The shifter stands on his hind legs and braces his paws against Jungkook's chest to give the hybrid's face several enthusiastic puppy-kisses by way of thanks. Jungkook giggles, nose scrunching up at the slobbery ministrations, although he makes no effort to stop it.

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