015 | oh, happy days

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Usually when Jungkook first wakes up, it's to the sound of his bedside alarm clock blaring at him angrily. Nine times out of ten his aching, sleep-deprived body will be so thoroughly perturbed by the prospect of leaving the cosy warmth of his bed that he'll end up rolling over and hitting the snooze button. It's only a two-minute snooze, which means his reprieve from the waking world never lasts very long, but on really bad mornings (most school days, come to think of it) he finds himself compelled to hit snooze more than once, determinedly burying himself further beneath the blankets to rest his exhausted mind for just a few more stress-free minutes.

Consequently, it tends to be Moonbin who eventually pries him from the land of nod, the werecat perching on the edge of the bed behind him and leaning down to gently shake Jungkook awake with an apologetic smile, always smelling faintly of eggs or toast or rice porridge or whatever he's chosen to cook for them that morning. Jungkook will groan, putting up a half-assed protest at the manhandling and trying to hide back under his bedcovers, which generally results in Moonbin flopping down on top of him for an early-morning glomp to bother him awake with affection. And he loves Binnie's cuddles more than anything, but being woken up always sucks no matter how sweetly it's done; with Jungkook's frequent self-inflicted late night study sessions, he's rarely been asleep for more than a few hours before it's time to rise and shine, and he always wakes up regretting his life choices.

Today, however, Jungkook finds himself wide awake and feeling refreshed a full half-hour before his alarm clock is supposedly due to go off.

Blinking at the glowing numbers in surprise, he snakes a hand out from under the blankets to grab his phone from the nightstand, double-checking the time just in case the digital clock's not working properly.



Rolling over slowly, he glances across the room towards Moonbin's bed, a smile curling at his lips when he sees the werecat cocooned in his self-made nest of blankets, fast asleep. Jungkook genuinely can't remember the last time he woke up before his roommate (pulling all-nighters doesn't count, although he's done plenty of those this past year or so in order to meet essay deadlines between his part-time work). Moonbin's always been more of a morning person than he is, rising at the first beep of his phone's alarm, already showered and dressed and ready for the day long before Kookie's resigned himself to dragging his weary body out of bed. So to see the youth still snoozing peacefully like this is a novelty.

Granted, Binnie had worked another double shift at the coffee shop after school yesterday, stumbling in through the door long after Jungkook had returned from his evening art class. Yawning, the werecat had climbed over the arm of the couch Kookie was laying across and flopped down on top of him for a sleepy cuddle, his hair tickling Jungkook's nose.

"I thought we talked about this, Binnie," Jungkook had sighed, running a hand down Moonbin's spine and relaxing back against the couch cushions, content to be squashed by his needy, tactile roommate. "Money isn't tight anymore, you don't need to keep working doubles."

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