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As it turns out, dropping his weekday shifts at Euphoria is even easier than quitting his night job, despite Seokjin being absent this time around.

Truthfully, Jungkook hadn't actually anticipated coming up against any serious resistance, not with his Euphoria employers – the executive managerial team have always been super nice to him, allowing Kookie to work odd shifts patterns around his weirdly disjointed schedule, and giving him all the overtime hours he could want. So he already knew they wouldn't make things difficult for him when he asked to drop his hours. Still, he hadn't expected his senior manager to react to his request with quite so much enthusiasm.

"That's wonderful!" Wonho had enthused, clapping him on the shoulder as he ushered Jungkook into a chair in his office, taking the crutches from him once he was seated and propping them up against the desk.

Kookie hadn't been sure how to take that response at first (his boss being super happy that Jungkook wouldn't be around anymore during weekdays didn't really seem like a positive sign), and that sliver of uncertainty must have shown in his expression, because Wonho had been quick to flash him a warm smile.

"You're an exceptional employee, Jungkook-ah," the werewolf had reassured, offering him a macaroon from the plate on his desk. "Polite, well-mannered, hardworking, and a great team player – I've heard nothing but praise from the junior managers, and in terms of customer feedback, you're a regular favourite. But after what happened on Sunday afternoon, I'll admit I'm relieved to hear that you've decided to prioritise your health and wellbeing for once. There's such a thing as working too hard, kid."

A little embarrassed at the reminder that all of his senior managers probably knew about his fainting episode from the other day (because presumably Suyeon would've had to fill in an sickness/accident form to excuse his absence), Jungkook had taken one of the macaroons simply as a distraction, nibbling on it to give him an excuse not to reply to that particular statement. By the time he'd finished the sweet treat, Wonho had fetched a handful of documents from one of the filing cabinets behind him, spreading them out across the desk in front of them.

"Right, new contract. Don't worry, this isn't necessarily a permanent change – if you want to up your hours again once school's out, that's an option we'll keep open for you; summer's always our busiest season. But no pressure, man. Okay, let's go through the initial agreement..."

Over the course of the past ten minutes, they've gone through the form paragraph by paragraph, his boss helpfully highlighting the relevant stipulations.

"Having a fixed weekend contract is more of safeguard for yourself," the wolf explains, nudging the plate of macaroons towards Kookie again. "If, for whatever reason, the whole exec team gets fired and someone else steps in who doesn't know your preferences, they won't be able to allocate you weekday shifts without getting you to sign another contract first – not unless it's voluntary overtime."

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