020 | breathe in, breathe out

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Tucked snugly between Jimin and Taehyung in the backseat of Yoongi's silver Corsa, Jungkook grips his phone tightly to keep his hands from trembling. There's a tense sort of silence in the car, and it just makes the journey feel even longer, painfully so – if it weren't for the drumming of the rain on the hood, and the rhythmic swish-swish of the windscreen wipers, Jungkook would be inclined to believe that time wasn't passing at all.

He feels so fucking powerless, and he hates it.

"Hey," Jimin murmurs, his arm tightening around the youth's shoulders in a comforting sideways hug. "It'll be okay, hon. You heard Yoongi-hyung, he doesn't think Eunwoo's badly hurt."

Jungkook appreciates the dancer's attempts to soothe him, but neither his words nor his touch really help to alleviate the cold dread curdling in his stomach. He trusts Yoongi's foresight, truly he does, but he also knows the Seer's future-vision is primarily focused on the coven, or people and events in his immediate vicinity whenever he leaves the nest. So yes, Yoongi's gut feeling about Eunwoo being okay is probably true, but...what if other people had been involved in the accident too? People Yoongi hasn't met in person yet, whose futures he simply can't see?

Hitting speed-dial again, Jungkook lifts the phone to his ear, lips pressed into a thin line as he listens to it ringing. Pick up, pick up, pick up...

"Hi, this is Binnie," the automated message greets him. "Sorry, I'm not able to answer the phone right now, but leave me a message and I'll get back to you-"

The plastic casing creaks beneath his grip as Jungkook ends the call abruptly. His chest feels tight, his breathing growing shallow and painful, and Jimin's hand moves from his shoulder to rub gently up and down his back.

"Kookie," the dancer murmurs, but the youth shakes his head, throat too tight to speak, his gaze starting to blur as he selects speed-dial option two and hits call.

Pick up. God, please just pick up.

"Hey, Yugyeom here! Sorry, looks like you just missed me. Feel free to leave me a message, or if it's urgent you can contact my Alpha on 0-1-1-"

Jungkook wants to cry.

"It's the full moon tonight," Tae reminds him softly, cool hands gently closing around one of his clenched fists. "Your friends were gonna go running with their packs, right? Bin and Yugyeom probably just switched their phones off before the Campus Run."

That's a definite possibility.

It's always a mandatory rule that cell phones are either turned off or switched to silent mode during the monthly SNU moon-run, as a courtesy to any students (typically werewolves and dog hybrids) whose acute hearing enhances exponentially during the lunar ascension, to the point where someone's annoying ringtone could actually become physically painful. And a lot of folk choose to leave all of their belongings behind before entering the forest – it's something of a tradition, among wolves in particular, that by shedding the tokens of modern society they'll be able to form a closer connection with their primal roots during the run; SNU even provide lockers free of charge to packs who wish to store their personal effects more securely.

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