027 | all's well that ends well

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Hot showers are the best.

Admittedly, this is the first time Jungkook's ever taken one sitting down, but that doesn't detract from the overall feeling of satisfaction as the warm water cascades down his body, washing away sweat and tears and the sticky residue of multiple herbal-scented healing balms.

He'd tried to argue with Namjoon that the shower-chair really wasn't necessary, but the way his legs had wobbled traitorously during the short walk from his bed to the ensuite bathroom had crippled his case somewhat. Thankfully the healer, ever-benevolent, hadn't voiced the 'I told you so' that Jungkook probably deserved, instead wordlessly winding a supportive arm about his waist to steady him the rest of the way there.

"I'd like you to leave the door unlocked," Namjoon had murmured once they were alone, hand lingering on Jungkook's nape as he regarded the younger man seriously for a moment. "Just in case you start to feel lightheaded. I'll be standing right outside if you need me, okay?"

Jungkook had felt himself blush at that, even though he's never been particularly body-conscious. Frequently sharing a small locker-room with a dozen other guys at the dance studio has resulted in him losing any inhibitions he may have once had about people seeing him sans-clothing, and living in an apartment first with Yugyeom and later Moonbin has definitely normalised the experience of showering with someone nearby – hell, their bathroom door doesn't even have a working lock anymore, since the landlord never bothered to get it fixed after it broke last year. He and Binnie just have an unwritten rule to knock first before coming in to take a leak.

The prospect of one of the hyungs walking in while he's showering, however...that's different. Very different.

(Although it isn't necessarily an unpleasant thought.)

Regardless, Jungkook doesn't actually intend to keel over dramatically or do anything that'll require Namjoon and the others to come rushing to his aid. He's trying to show them all how much better he's feeling so that they'll stop looking worried all the time, and fainting in the shower wouldn't support his case at all. It's a little disconcerting that the heat of the water alone is enough to make him feel fuzzy-headed and drowsy, but Jungkook knows he's got nobody but himself to blame for the lingering side-effects of his caffeine overdose. Honestly, he could strangle his past self for all the stupid decisions he's made recently, especially knowing how much trouble he's caused for everyone else. He keeps being such an inconvenience.

Seriously, how many times have the hyungs had to intervene in his affairs these past couple of weeks because of Jungkook's inability to handle normal grownup shit? First with the migraines and the passing-out-at-work thing, and the coven taking care of him after he'd sprained his ankle the very next day, then paying his rent six months upfront and abruptly solving his longterm financial crisis (he doubts he'll ever stop feeling indebted to Namjoon and Jin for pulling him out of poverty like that). Not to mention everything Namjoon had done to save Binnie after the car accident (Jungkook knows the healer had downplayed the severity of the werecat's condition – he'd read his roommate's discharge paperwork, the list of injuries had been fucking huge), and the way the coven had come together to support Jungkook and Eunwoo during those stressful few days in hospital. Then there's all the little things they've done besides, like buying him new shoes and clothes and kitchen gadgets for the apartment, driving him to school and art class, taking him out on fun dates and treating him to fancy meals and delicious snacks, even meal-prepping for him when his essay-crisis reached a point where he didn't have time to hang out with them anymore.

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