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Jungkook feels...floaty.

It's difficult to open his eyes, mostly due to the weight of exhaustion that seems to permeate every cell in his body, but also because someone has draped a cold compress over the upper half of his face. It feels cool and damp, and the unfamiliar minty smell is tickling his sensitive nose, but at least the piercing throb in his temples is quickly fading to something far more tolerable.

His heart is still thundering away against his ribcage at a hundred miles an hour, and his chest seems to shudder with every other indrawn breath. A part of him knows all of this should bother him – a healthy heart isn't supposed to beat this fast, and his breathing is definitely way too rapid to be normal...

Huh. Why isn't he more worried about that?

"I'm here, sweetheart," a low voice murmurs against his ear, and the arm that's looped around his waist squeezes ever so gently. "Everything's fine, hyung's got you. Let's go back to sleep, hm?"

Cosy. Warm. Protected.


Jungkook relaxes back into Hoseok's secure hold with a tired, stuttering sigh of contentment. Of course there's nothing to worry about, not when he's in such a safe place. His body might be trembling strangely and his muscles are twitching and tensing at odd intervals against his will, and his head's spinning like he's stuck on a carousel, but Hoseok loves him and he's safe, so everything's okay.

He hears a whisper of noise, but it's easy to ignore with Hoseok's lips pressing tender, comforting kisses against the side of his neck. Jungkook feels himself about to drift off again, almost at the brink of sleep, until warm hands settle either side of his face and draw him out of that cosy semi-doze abruptly.

"Shh, you're okay," Hoseok soothes without missing a beat, squeezing him again when Jungkook startles in his hold. "It's only Joon-hyung."

The herbal-scented compress is lifted away from his brow, a gentle finger tracing indecipherable patterns across his forehead, and a moment later the heaviness clinging to Jungkook's eyelids vanishes. It still takes a considerable amount of effort for him to open his eyes even to a sleepy squint, and his blurry vision needs several seconds to properly focus on the figure stooping over him.

Namjoon smiles kindly when their eyes finally meet.

"Hi, Jungkookie," the healer murmurs, caressing his cheek.

The lighting in the unfamiliar room has been dimmed (thank fuck), and the shaded lamp on the bedside table casts the healer in a warm amber glow that tans his skin faintly golden. Oh. He's so pretty.

After several beats, Jungkook realises he should probably say hi back – but in is present fuzzy, foggy headspace, his brain just can't seem to recall how to make his mouth work.

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