013 | money, money, money

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Jungkook's glad he had the forethought to sit down before finally logging into his mobile banking app, because holy shit.

Holy. Freaking. Shit.

His breath leaves him in a shaky whoosh, hands suddenly clammy as the bottom drops out of his stomach, staring wide-eyed at the figure on the screen. There are so many digits that at first glance he misreads the number, but when his jittery gaze finally locates the point-zero-one at the very end of that long line of numbers, he takes a closer look at the preceding row of digits, and promptly drops his phone.

"Oh my god," he breathes, fumbling to pick it up again, this time using a shaky finger to manually count how many numbers precede that tiny (but oh so significant) decimal point. "Oh my god!"

Almost on reflex he flings the device away from him again, body suddenly thrumming with such restless energy that he can barely contain himself, hands clenching and unclenching as he watches his phone land with bounce against the pink poop-emoji cushion Sanha had bought Binnie for his last birthday. Both of his hands come up to fist his hair as he sucks in several deep, ragged breaths. He's borderline hyperventilating, and he's probably crying a little, and the strangled laugh that escapes his tight throat is definitely verging on hysterical, but he can't help it.

Because it's so much money. Oh god, it's so much money.

And Seokjin-hyung had called it an allowance? Holy fuck.

He pulls his knees up to his chest, only belatedly remembering his injured ankle when it twinges dully, still half-numbed by whatever magic-healing-mojo Namjoon had used on him back at the clinic a couple of hours ago. Recalling the healer's cautionary words, he dutifully straightens that leg out to rest across the couch, propping up his bandaged heel on the edge of the poop emoji cushion. His phone slides sideways as the cushion dips, lighting up again at the motion (having dimmed briefly), and even upside-down the long row of digits still displayed across the screen makes his stomach give a fluttering swoop.

God, how's he ever supposed to spend that much money on himself? Even after he's paid for night classes at the art studio and deducted all the utility bills for the next six months, that'll barely have put a dent in his new 'allowance'. What else could he possibly use it for?

Well, he does need to buy a new rucksack for uni (the shoulder strap is starting to frey), and some basic school supplies like study books and stationary...oh, and maybe he could splurge on some new watercolours from that art shop near the station. It sells such beautiful pallets, and he's been wanting a good quality set for years. But no, wouldn't that be too greedy? Namjoon and Seokjin hadn't really told him what he could and couldn't use the money for, but he doesn't want to take advantage of their generosity and spend it all on frivolous materialistic stuff for himself. Maybe he should open up a savings account and only take it out when he really needs it.

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