021 | fallout

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Fuck. He can't do this.

Jungkook's spent the past twenty minutes trying to mentally prepare himself for the potentially distressing sight of his injured roommate. He's not squeamish in the slightest, probably wouldn't even in blink if he accidentally sliced through his own thumb, but it's totally different when Binnie is the one who's hurt...it's quite literally the stuff of nightmares.

Nevertheless, he'd been determined to keep his cool when the time came – to be the calm, reassuring hyung that the younger boy needed him to be – and preferably not to burst into tears the moment he saw Binnie's broken leg.

Hoseok's warm embrace and a cup of hot chocolate had certainly helped to settle his nerves a little, and the Im-pack showing up en masse (loud and fraught but wonderfully tactile) had been a welcome distraction from his inner turmoil. He and Yugyeom had found themselves hugged within an inch of their lives by a hoard of worried hyungs, but there had been a great deal of comfort in that oh-so-familiar fussing, and at least it had helped to pass the time while Jungkook anxiously waited for Namjoon to return with news of Moonbin being moved out of PACU.

And as it happens, Jungkook isn't anywhere near ready to see the fallout of Moonbin's accident with his own two eyes.

"I know it looks pretty bad, sweetheart," Namjoon acknowledges quietly, wrapping a comforting arm around Jungkook's shoulders as the youth stands frozen in the doorway to Moonbin's private recovery suite, staring at his bedridden best friend numbly. "But most of the tissue damage is superficial. He's only got a mild concussion."

Mild? Aigoo, it looks like Binnie's gone ten rounds with a slab of concrete – the abrasions and discolouration running down the right side of his face must be so painful, and his right eye is bruised and swollen, a darkening ring already forming around the socket. There's a neat row of stitches running from the corner of his eyebrow and along his temple, the skin there looking raw and puffy.

It's just awful.

Jungkook swallows past the lump that's lodged itself in his throat, blinking hard to force back the tears threatening to well in his eyes, feeling Namjoon's arm tightening around him in a sideways hug.

He's not gonna cry again. He's not.

"Is he unconscious?" Yugyeom asks faintly from Jungkook's other side, a very slight wobble in his voice, and Kookie reaches blindly for his friend's hand to grip it in solidarity.

Namjoon lifts his arm from Jungkook's shoulders to squeeze the wolf's nape, his smile kind as he shakes his head. "He's only sleeping, cub. He was awake and talking before I left, but the meds we've got him are gonna make him a little drowsy."

Jungkook finds comfort in the knowledge, finally tearing his gaze away from Binnie's injured face to take in the rest of him. Both of the werecat's arms are grazed in several places, especially at the elbows where they peek out from beneath the short sleeves of his pale blue hospital gown. There's a blanket draped over his torso and left side, but his right leg is elevated on a padded frame several inches above the mattress, the limb heavily bandaged and secured by a splint. Jungkook wonders why it isn't in a standard plaster-cast if the fracture wasn't serious, but Binnie's toes look pink and healthy where they poke out of the bottom of the bandages, so he isn't going to question it.

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