028 | kookie deserves nice things

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As Hoseok's sleek, black Corvette purrs its way up the ramp leading out of the spacious underground garage, Jungkook sighs quietly, leaning back against Jin's chest as the vampire keeps his arms looped around him in a cosy backhug.

Jungkook can't help feeling a faint pang of disappointment at Moonbin's departure, even though he knows the werecat's only going to be gone for six hours, seven tops. And when he returns this afternoon it'll likely be with Yugyeom in tow, so that's something to look forward to, right? Still...a tiny, selfish part of Jungkook wishes that Binnie could just skip his first lecture and spend a few more hours at the nest – it had been so nice to have breakfast together this morning, especially after a full week of waking up alone in their too-quiet, too-empty apartment and eating in miserable solitude. He's just missed his roommate so much. And watching the coven dote on the werecat had been wonderfully satisfying; Namjoon and Hoseok had spent the better part of the meal sneaking extra food onto Binnie's plate (Jungkook's too, when they thought he wasn't looking), and Jin had secretly tugged him aside after breakfast to help make up a packed lunch for the werecat. Jungkook had been more than happy to share his inside knowledge about Binnie's favourite foods; imagining his roommate's delighted reaction when he eventually opens the neatly-packed lunchbox had made his departure a little more bearable.

It's heartening to know that he's found firm allies in his ongoing effort to keep Moonbin happy, healthy and well-fed. Honestly, that's been Jungkook's number-one priority for a long time now, not that he'll ever confess as much to Bin – the werecat would probably just thwack him over the head with a cushion and demand that Jungkook take better of himself instead.

"Hey." Seokjin presses a kiss to the side of his head, drawing him out of his thoughts. "Still with me?"

Jungkook nods, hands coming up to hug the arms that are wrapped around him, leaning back against Jin's chest a little more.

"You've been awake for a while now, dearheart," the elder says, squeezing him in a gentle backhug. "Perhaps you ought to take a nap?"

A soft, whiny noise of protest emerges from Jungkook's throat (entirely unbidden), and he feels his cheeks flush when Yoongi laughs in response. The Seer shoots him a wide, gummy smile from where he's perched casually on the bonnet of a nearby SUV, head tilted to one side as he regards Jungkook with such open fondness that it makes the rest of him feel hot, too.

"It's only been a couple of hours, hyung," Yoongi reminds the elder. "I don't think Kookie's ready to go back to bed just yet – are you, bun?"

Jungkook shakes his head quickly. He'd taken a brief snooze before breakfast, at Namjoon's insistence (with his stomach full from the impromptu 4am picnic, and a sleepy Moonbin snuggled up in his arms, drifting back off again had been relatively easy), and he's keen to stay awake longer than a few hours this time. He feels absolutely fine, no lingering side-effects to speak of...well, almost. His muscles still ache a bit, and there's this weighted weariness that seems to have taken root in his bones, refusing to budge no matter how much sleep he gets, but other than that he's awesome. And definitely not keen on going back to bed again; he's not used to being idle for hours on end, it's so fucking boring.

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