010 | mind the step

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Jungkook usually hates Mondays.

It's not that his class schedule is any worse than the rest of the week, but he's generally still suffering from that post-nightshift hangover for the better part of the morning; feeling like death warmed up during his first double-period lecture hall, desperately struggling keep himself awake and pay attention. Which usually means his study notes are practically incomprehensible by the end of it, and then he feels anxiously compelled to fill in the gaps as best he can with extra study-time over his lunch break while the topic's still fresh in his mind, pouring over books and study materials in one of the library booths, shovelling down bites of cheap gimbap whenever he's sure the librarian isn't looking. Thankfully both the cafeteria and snack shop on campus come with huge student discounts which makes the food super affordable compared to most other places, so at least he can buy something decent and filling for lunch most days. It's a small consolation for not being able to hang out with friends during his free time, though.

But today? Today Jungkook feels amazing.

He's still a little tired and achy, granted, but compared to previous Mondays it's almost like he's had a total brain transplant. His three-hour class on investments and e-business infrastructure actually makes sense (although it's still the most soul-crushingly dull thing he's ever learned), and he leaves the lecture hall with five full pages of notes that he can actually use for their upcoming exam. Feeling liberated, he deviates from his usual route to the library and heads out into the sunny campus grounds, pulling his phone from his backpack to check for messages.

Yugy: Hey! Hope JB-hyung didn't murder you too hard this morning. Need a hug? x
Yugy: Dumb question. I wanna hug you anyway so text me when you're done at the library, k? You really scared me yesterday. Oh, and I wanna hear all about where you suddenly got the money for those new Timberlands! You promised you'd spill after class, so no take-backs. x

Jungkook grins, rolling his eyes fondly. He should've guessed that Yugyeom wouldn't forget about a promise – he never has, not in the eight years they've known each other, although back in middle school it had been a much cuter and scrawnier werewolf who'd made him pinky-swear on everything and proclaimed "no take-backs" at every available opportunity thereafter. If Jungkook didn't love him so much, he definitely would've thumped the idiot by now.

'I didn't buy them, they were a gift,' he texts back, pausing to lean against the support strut of one of the many 'shade-shelters' that are scattered about the campus to cater to species who might need a reprieve from daylight every now and then. 'You free for lunch? I'm ditching the library today.'

His phone buzzes within a few seconds, then again, and again – a flurry of short messages sent one after the other.

Who are you?
What happened to my BFF?
My Kookie lives in that fucking library.

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