017 | where the heart is

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Gentle fingers smooth Jungkook's fringe back from his forehead, and he stirs with a quiet hum, still floating on the brink of sleep, body lax with the contented cosiness of a nice long nap. He feels so warm and safe right now, he wishes he could just stay snuggled up like this forever. And he really, really doesn't want to go to work tonight.

Just five more minutes, Binnie...

"Hey there, sleepyhead," someone murmurs, far too deep and rumbly to be Moonbin, their feather-light touch trailing down over his temple to softly stroke his cheek. "I'm sorry to wake you, but dinner's almost ready."

Recognising both the voice and the gentle caress as Namjoon's, Jungkook opens his eyes, blinking sleepily up at the healer and immediately feeling his stomach swoop when he encounters a familiar dimpled smile. Jungkook finds himself returning it shyly, tilting his cheek into the vampire's touch, body thrumming with warmth at the gentle, tactile affection.

Something indescribably fond flits across Namjoon's expression, the corners of the healer's eyes crinkling as he leans down to press a soft kiss to Kookie's brow, his warm palm gently cradling the youth's cheek. Jungkook closes his eyes as his breath catches in his throat, heart fluttering at the tenderness of it all.

"Is he awake?" another voice whispers loudly from somewhere nearby, and Jungkook opens his eyes again to glance across to where Jimin's leaning in the doorway to Yoongi's study. The vampire visibly brightens when their eyes meet, stepping further into the room. "Hey, bunny. Feeling better?"

Jungkook nods, allowing Namjoon to help him sit up amid the nest of faintly tea-scented cushions, rolling his shoulders and flexing his fingers and toes to shake off the residual heaviness of his prolonged nap. He feels wonderfully well-rested, and a quick glance towards the open balcony doors reveals that the sun is already setting, the slivers of sky he can see between the drape-like vines tinged lilac and dark orange as daylight wanes.

Holy...he's never napped so comfortably outside of his own bedroom before; not even at the Im-pack's den, which has practically become a second home to him thanks to Yugyeom. Although he trusts Jaebum and the other wolves with his life, there's still a part of him that's always too hyper-aware of his surroundings whenever he leaves the apartment. He'll maybe manage a light doze if he's snuggled up with Yugyeom and the other makanes in front of a movie after a good meal, but Jungkook's never been able to fully switch off his heightened senses enough to actually sleep, not unless he's cosied up in the safety of his own bed back home.

On Sunday, after he'd passed out at work, he'd chalked up the lengthy nap he'd taken in Namjoon's clinic to being a symptom of his poor state of health post-migraine, but he doesn't have that excuse today; he'd slept just fine last night, and he's been headache-free for a record breaking three days now thanks to Namjoon's healing touch, so there's really no reason for him to have conked out like that for two solid hour in a house he's never even visited before today.

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