025 | breaking point

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"-how about you, Kook?"

Startling a little, having been drifting in his own thoughts for god knows how long, Jungkook glances across the picnic table to find Yugyeom watching him expectantly.

"Sorry." Smiling in apology, he gives himself a mental shake, trying to draw his focus back to the conversation at hand. "I kinda spaced out for a minute there. What was the question?"

Moonbin gently nudges him in the side. "Never mind a minute, hyung – your head's been someplace else the whole time we've been out here."

"Yeah, man, you feeling okay?" Yugyeom probes, tilting his head a little to one side as he studies Kook more closely. "You've barely touched your food."

Jungkook glances down at his uneaten lunch, quickly stuffing a piece of kimbap into his mouth to assuage his friends' concerns.

"M'just tired," he reassures thickly, still chewing. "Class was so fucking dull this morning. I swear Professor Lee speaks in a monotone on purpose just to test our endurance."

Yugyeom hums in sympathy, sliding the open share-bag of shrimp snacks across the table towards him. "I'll go grab us a coffee, that'll perk you up. Binnie, you want anything?"

"Choco frap?" the werecat requests hopefully.

"You and your chocolate milk," Yugyeom teases with a smile, flicking a bottle cap at him. "Sure, kitten. Back in five."

Jungkook shovels down another bite of kimbap and a handful of shrimp puffs as he watches the wolf weave his way between the picnic tables dotted around the grassy plateau, pace quickening into a jog when he reaches the path and turns to head back towards the campus food court nearby.

He probably should've decline Yugyeom's offer, but to be honest, he could really use the pick-me-up. Jungkook's already had three coffees today, but due to his bunny hybrid genes he metabolises caffeine frustratingly fast, so the wakeful post-coffee buzz only tends to last an hour or so; after Mr Lee's mind-numbing lecture on European trade laws, he feels like he's beginning to lose the basic ability to function. Normally he tries not to exceed two cups of coffee a day, but sometimes exceptions have to be made for survival's sake, and today is definitely one of those days.

Back when he was still working crazy part-time hours, caffeine boosts had been a frequent necessity, but Jungkook's also ninety percent sure his previous coffee habit was partly to blame for the frequent migraines and intermittent insomnia that had plagued him for months on end. Namjoon had asked him a lot of gently probing questions about his daily caffeine intake after his fainting spell the other week, so Jungkook assumes the healer had also come to that same conclusion. He knows he should try to curb the habit, especially now that he isn't working weekdays at Euphoria anymore – it was the café's generous policy of providing free hot and cold drinks to staff during their designated breaks that had really kick-started his coffee dependency in the first place, since that was generally where Kook used to get his caffeine fix for the whole day. He otherwise relied on crappy instant coffee granules from the one-hundred yen store, since most local coffee shops try to charge a small fortune for even a basic Americano – seriously, prior to his recent boost in finances, he could still count on one hand the number of times he'd bought himself a Starbucks. It's not like he missed out on it entirely – he never says no if Yugyeom or one of the Im-pack hyungs offer to buy something for him (it's coffee, and realistically he'll never be able say no to coffee), and on a few occasions where customer tips had been super generous, he's treated himself to an iced mocha on the way home from work.

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