018 | pimp my ride

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Jungkook checks his reflection in the camera app on his phone, tilting his head this way and that.

"Are you sure about the eyeliner?"

"Yes," Yugyeom and Moonbin answer as one, the latter reaching down to fix the collar of Jungkook's shirt just-so, probably showing off more collarbone than is strictly necessary.

"It suits you, Kook," Eunwoo reassures, gently pinching his chin to tilt Jungkook's head back towards him. "I won't make it too heavy, just enough to draw attention to your eyes. Another minute and I'll be done, okay?"

With an internal sigh of resignation, Jungkook fidgets in his seat on the wooden bench of the sheltered picnic table, allowing his friends to continue their primping. He's secretly really fucking grateful for all their help – he's hardly an expert when it comes to fashion, and aside from a general preference for soft sweaters, comfy jeans and Timberland footwear, for the past few years he hasn't given a lot of thought to his image beyond looking clean and presentable. In his defence, it's not as though he'd been able to afford a stylish wardrobe up until very recently – fashion comes at a price, and he's spent most of the past year needing to choose between buying chocolate milk for Binnie and replacing his threadbare socks with new ones from the 100-yen store. Indulging in a little retail therapy had never been on the cards until now.

His visit to the nest yesterday afternoon had been entirely unplanned, so he'd ended up going dressed in casual school clothes (and sporting a mayo stain from lunch on the lapel of his shirt that he hadn't even noticed until Moonbin had pointed it out to him that evening as they were getting ready for bed), so...yeah. Not exactly his best look. Today, however, he has the chance to actually prepare an outfit, and the second Moonbin had heard the word 'motorbike', he'd called in the cavalry to help touch up Jungkook's image.

When it comes to makeup, Jungkook has absolutely no idea what he's doing; his bunny hybrid genes have afforded him a generally blemish-free complexion (seriously, not having to contend with acne more than makes up for his lifelong inability to digest yukhoe and rare meats), so beyond soap and water and the occasional application of cheap moisturiser during the winter months, he's never bothered to put anything on his face before. His best friends are just as clueless as he is, which is probably why Binnie had decided to seek professional advice.

Or rather, send out an SOS to his boyfriend.

Cha Eunwoo is fast becoming one of the Korea's top models, continuing to gain fame for his Instagram selfies and YouTube skincare tutorials in addition to the various brand promotion deals he's bagged since the start of the year. If there's any one person that Jungkook would trust to do his makeup without making him look like a clown, it's Eunwoo.

"There," the model says confidently, stepping back beside Moonbin to admire his handiwork. "That looks pretty natural, right?"

The werecat gives his boyfriend two thumbs-up, smiling at him adoringly, and Jungkook suppresses an amused eye-roll. Eunwoo could've drawn on a fake moustache and a mono-brow, and Moonbin would still react with positive enthusiasm – the cat's so fucking besotted, it's adorable. Jungkook would normally trust Binnie's judgement above all others (even Yugyeom's, because the wolf's always been a bit of a prankster at heart), but whenever Eunwoo's involved in the equation, it's best to get a second opinion.

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