029 | the more, the merrier

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When Seokjin had mentioned offhandedly that they would be eating dinner outside this evening, Jungkook had been expecting picnic blankets, maybe a few pillows, nestled in a shady spot somewhere along the forest's edge so that Jimin and Taehyung wouldn't have to sit in direct sunlight.

The giant party tent certainly comes as a bit of a surprise.

Although perhaps it shouldn't – Jin had custom-built him an entire art studio, after all.

The is at least twice the size of the coven's dining room, and easily four metres high at its tallest point, made of a dark green material that almost matches the hue of the vines crawling up the brickwork of the manor-house directly behind it. Only the front section has been left open, the other three sides curtained by the thick fabric to keep out the light – which it does with such efficiency that lamps have actually been hung along the inner lining of the tent to illuminate the sheltered area. A huge patterned rug serves as the flooring to the tent, and large squishy-looking cushions are dotted about here and there, arranged in cosy nests that look perfect for snuggling in with a hyung or two.

And then there's the food, gods above. Jin has really gone all-out for tonight's impromptu garden party.

A long table has been pushed against the back wall of the tent, draped in a pristine white cloth and piled high with mouth-watering dishes. There's a tall pyramid of freshly baked bread rolls filled with bulgogi, triple-layered sandwiches cut into perfect triangles all lined up along a large platter of tossed salad, deep tureens of dark stew and fiery-red tteokbokki still bubbling away despite the lack of an obvious heat source, huge glass dishes of cubed melon and mixed berries (likely from Namjoon's greenhouse), colourful kimbap stacked neatly in perfect rows, platters piled high with fried chicken and fish cakes, crispy potatoes speckled with seasoning, and a dozen or more little side-dishes, some of which Jungkook doesn't even recognise.

Fuck, it all looks amazing.

Jungkook pauses at the threshold to the tent just to stare the interior in awe, aware of Moonbin and Yugyeom doing the same on either side of him. They had literally only just finished eating a couple of hours ago, having snacked on the mini-picnic that Jin had left for them under the willow tree in the greenhouse, but damn, at the sight of all that food, Jungkook's already starting to feel peckish again.


He turns at the delighted shout, and has just enough time to register the movement of a familiar blur rushing towards him before he's swept up off his feet in a crushing embrace.

"Hi, hyung," Jungkook manages around a breathless laugh, unable to return the hug due to the vice-like grip that's pinning his arms to his sides.

"Can't leave you cubs alone for a minute, can we?" Jackson sighs dramatically, turning his body from side to side in order to jostle the hybrid in a very gentle sort of shake. "You run into trees, you pick fights with moving vehicles, you drink your own weight in coffee-"

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