009 | confrontations and conversations

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Moonbin is sulking.

Not that Jungkook can blame him – he knows how much he'd scared the werecat today by going MIA for so long and totally failing to reply to any of Moonbin's panicked texts.

"I called Sanha, I called Rocky, I messaged everyone on the dance team," his roommate had ranted to him over the phone as he sat in the back of Namjoon's car, wincing guiltily at the residual distress in Binnie's voice. "Nobody knew where you were! Sanha said you hadn't looked too good at work, and he saw you leaving early with some customers, so I figured hey, that's nice, maybe someone was giving you a ride back to the apartment...but then you never came home, hyung, and I started to freak out. Like, what if you'd been kidnapped or something?"

"Bin, I'm fine, I'm okay-" Jungkook had tried to interject reassuringly, but that had gone down like a lead balloon.

"You literally just told me you fainted! That's not okay! Healthy people don't pass out at work, hyung!"

Jungkook had spied both Taehyung and Namjoon hiding a smile or two during Moonbin's spiel, and he kinda got the impression that they approved of the werecat's reaction. Which is great (because he loves Binnie like the younger brother he never had, and Jungkook wants his new hyungs to like him too), but it's also super embarrassing; having his boyfriend and his new vampire-guardian-angel-who-he-desperately-wants-to-impress hearing him being scolded by a dongsaeng over the phone doesn't exactly do much to improve his image.

Still, he'd deserved it. Moonbin had every right to be angry and upset and worried, so Jungkook had borne the scolding with as much dignity as he could muster (despite his red cheeks).

He'd tried to calm his roommate down as best he could during the short ride home, but Binnie's fretful lecturing hadn't ceased until Kookie had actually made it back to their apartment complex. The cat had taken one look at his face (pale and haggard, if what Kookie had seen in the clinic's bathroom mirror still held true) and abruptly swept him up into a tight embrace, his previous annoyance vanishing in a split second.

Apparently determining that he was in good hands, Taehyung and Namjoon had waved goodbye over Moonbin's shoulder (Tae blowing kisses to him out of the window for good measure) and driven off, leaving him to Binnie's tender mercies. The werecat had barely spared them a second glance as he ushered Jungkook inside, brow still wrinkled in concern.

"Does anything hurt? Have you eaten yet? Aigoo, you're so pale, maybe you should sit down..."

It had taken a lot of persuading to convince the younger man that he was truly alright (and feeling a whole lot better than he had been in a while, actually), but his roommate still hadn't been happy when Jungkook finally revealed the specific details about the whole passing-out-at-Euphoria thing. He'd fretted and fussed for a bit, stubbornly insisting that Jungkook keep the bathroom door open while he showered just in case he got dizzy again, but by the time they were both ready for bed twenty minutes later, the werecat finally seemed content that Kookie wasn't about to keel over and die.

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