023 | the separation

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"Ready to go?" Yugyeom asks cheerfully, a box of books tucked under one arm as he pauses in the doorway to the bedroom. "I've got all your school stuff, Bin. That was everything we needed from the living room, right?"

Jungkook hums an affirmative, quickly glancing around the room for any important knickknacks he might have missed in his hasty packing session, before peering back down into the duffel bag he's left open on Moonbin's bed, double checking that all of the werecat's toiletries are present and accounted for.

"Are you sure you don't want me to pack your shampoo?" Jungkook asks, glancing towards his roommate. "You know how sensitive your skin gets whenever you switch to a different product."

Moonbin shakes his head, shifting to a more comfortable position in his seat on the edge of Jungkook's bed, hugging the elder's pillow to his chest. His crutches are propped up against the headboard a few feet away, right leg resting on a stool in front of him, encased in a cast from mid-thigh to toes.

It had taken several hours and a full pack of multi-coloured permanent markers (curtesy of MJ, because apparently the Fae could pull both flowers and craft supplies out of thin air as required) for Jungkook to turn the white plaster cast into a work of art, but it had all been worth it to see the delighted grin on Moonbin's face once the project was complete. Bin has already voiced a desire to get the cast framed after its removal...Jungkook doesn't have the heart to tell him that the hospital might not let him keep it for health and safety reasons. Although he imagines Namjoon could probably pull a few strings to make that happen; the healer had been pretty laidback about a lot of the hospital's rules and regulations (particularly visiting hours), and he's clearly developed a fondness for the werecat over the past couple of days (much to Jungkook's satisfaction). He's confident that the vampire will be able to find a way to ensure that Binnie gets to keep his cast.

"Sanha uses the same shampoo as me," the werecat explains, idly rubbing his cheek against the pillow in his arms. "He said it'd be easier if we just shared while I'm staying over."

"Makes sense," Eunwoo agrees as he appears in the doorway beside Yugyeom, arms laden with several multipacks of Nesquik cartons (from the crate of chocolate milk that Jungkook had bought for Bin earlier in the week, right after his financial situation had radically improved). "Both of the bathrooms have plenty of shelf space, but MJ-hyung's plants have a tendency to take up most of it. The vines are good at holding stuff though, if you ask nicely."

Moonbin cracks a smile, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes, and Jungkook feels a familiar pang of worry in his chest when he sees it. The werecat has recovered remarkably well from his injuries over the past two days, the awful bruising and swelling around his eye socket and down the side of his face having faded almost to nothingness, and Namjoon had promised that the stitches along his temple and above his eyebrow could be removed tomorrow during his home visit. Visibly, Moonbin his looking a hundred times better than he had done that first night in the hospital, but his broken leg and cracked ribs are undoubtedly still causing him discomfort, especially now that he's stopped taking the stronger painkillers.

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